Summer Peach Caprese Salad

My friend Carol is an amazing cook. She’s going to share more recipes with us in a couple weeks but I had to share this peach caprese salad with you right this second. It’s one of her winners! It’s just like the tomato version but you swap out the tomatoes for fresh peaches. We added some chopped almonds on top to finish it off and it was such a great, crunchy addition. I’m obsessed with this summer salad now- it’s a perfect way to enjoy those amazing peaches. Keep reading to see the full recipe and a $100 gift card we’re giving away…

Ingredients: Sliced fresh peaches, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella cheese, balsamic vinegar (reduced), Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds chopped small.

Slice the cheese and peaches into thin circles. Tear off smaller basil leaves, leaving the stems.

Arrange on a nice plate or boar. Pour 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar into a sauce pan on low and stir frequently until thick like maple syrup. Remove from heat and set aside. It will start to harden up fast so that’s why it’s best to reduce it right before you pour it over your salad.

Sprinkle with chopped Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds. Serve and Enjoy!

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The post Summer Peach Caprese Salad appeared first on Say Yes.

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