
6 Steps to See the Best of Venice

Hi friends! Today, I have a very special guest on the blog: Margo from Guten Blog Y’all, who is sharing tips and insight into seeing the very best of Venice. Now, I have to admit that Venice is on my short list for travel breaks so I am swooning over Margo’s adventures and pictures from this lush Italian city. If you have dreams to visit the iconic Italian city of Venice, grab a coffee and snuggle up for this very special guest post by Margo. {And be sure to pin it for future reference, I know I will be!}

We were only there for just over 24 hours but we really experienced Venice. Here are 6 items we checked off our to-do list that helped us embrace this magical city for ALL that it’s worth.

Hi guys, I’m Margo from Guten Blog Y’all, my space for sharing my advice and photography from my travels around Europe. My husband (as of just 3 months ago!) and I currently live with our fluffy Scnoodle, Stuart, in lovely Heidelberg, Germany. Stop by and say hello! Now, on to the tips!
Here 6 tips for seeing the BEST of Venice: 1. Get LOST – Inevitably, you WILL get lost. You’ll look down at your map, you’ll turn it 180 degrees, gaze up and down the alley or canal and you’ll realize that it happened. Despite how carefully you follow your map, you’re backwards. But THIS is Venice. This is the best way of seeing the city, wandering the narrow alleys with no specific purpose in mind. This is how you see the locals and most beautiful parts of the city at the same time. (Tip: If you’d like to pass on this magical state of disorientation, download Ulmon app for Venice.)

Check out more pictures from my morning stroll through the city here. 2. Visit Piazza San Marco (St. Mark’s Square) and St. Mark’s Basilica – Yep, one of the most photographed places in Europe, visiting this beautiful square is a must. Perhaps you’ll be there with a zillion others but quickly hop in line for the Basilica then gawk at the square itself after. Once in the Basilica, look UP. The golden ceilings are beautiful.
3. Get the GRAND perspective from St. Mark’s Campanile – located right in St. Mark’s Square, open from 9AM-4:30PM daily, for 8E you can quickly glide to the top in a large elevator and linger as long as you’d like. Dan and I walked to circumference of the tower twice then felt ready to head back down. I appreciated the bird’s eye perspective on the bustling city below. If anything it certainly helped great a visual map of the jumbled streets below.
Views from the Campanile also allow you to scope out where you’d like to head to next. After spotting these beautiful gondolas along the lagoon from high above, once we descended I headed over to get a different perspective from ground level.
4. Eat PIZZA – Not just any pizza, please, for the love of puppies, go to Antico Forno. The BEST pizza I’ve ever had in all 28 years of living. I’m not kidding, if you go to Venice and don’t have a slice of their pizza I’m going to be salty. Imagine – pillowy focaccia bread with the freshest of toppings that quite honestly MELTS in your mouth with each bite. It looks like thick crust, but is really just the perfect combination of soft, buttery and crispy crust you could imagine. Over the course of two days Dan and I went there 3 times and would’ve gone more had I not gained some self control.
5. Capture blue hour from the Rialto Bridge – Blue hour is only something I recently discovered as being VERY important in world of photography. It’s that interesting period at twilight when the sun dips below the horizon and the sky turns to a lush deep blue. Positioning yourself on the Rialto Bridge at this time you’ll be guaranteed lovely pictures. The Rialto Bridge is a beauty in itself and is one of just four bridges that crosses the Grand Canal. As gondoliers paddle by and the city begins to sparkle, it’s the pinnacle of romantic.
6. Bottoms Up – It’s Italy, wherever you go count on exceptional wine. Please don’t waste money on something fancy from a bottle, just as for table wine and you’ll be pleased. Dan and I even found a cozy bar near the Rialto Bridge (by the Campo San Giacomo di Rialto) that had amazing wine on tap!

P.S. If time allows, Visit BURANO ISLAND. Allot at least a half a day to take the vaparrato out to this beautiful island and wander around through the charming village. No matter the weather, pictures from here are keepers. Check out my visit to Burano here.

For more travel advice check out my blog at here!
Connect with the lovely Margo here: Blog // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram

The post 6 Steps to See the Best of Venice appeared first on Found Love Now What.

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