Primary Possibilities

Love Potion!

I got to spend New Year's Eve with my best friend and of course I couldn't resist trying out "Love Potion" on her kids while I was there. These kids are my test subjects.... I am always trying my units out on them ahead of time. They never argue when it involves something fun! "Love Potion" was a HUGE hit. The kiddos (and the adults) loved it. We combined lemon-lime soda, cherry Kool-aide, rainbow sherbet, whipped cream and some red sprinkles.
While the adults played real card games, the girls were entertained by a little "Roll and Color."

We started by mixing the Kool-aide with the soda. It was really cool to see that it actually mixes itself, kind of like a "potion."

While the potion was mixing the girls colored their "Love Potion" cup labels...
Next we added a little rainbow sherbet (you can use strawberry or cherry too) to the cups... (Please excuse the blurriness of the photo... this is where the younger kids realized that there was fun to be had and joined in...)

Then we poured the soda/Kool-aide mix... it make a really cool bubbly affect that the kids loved...

And we topped it with whipped cream and sprinkles.... a real love potion! They totally approved it for Valentine's Day!

There are tons of activities in this unit... Love Potion activities, graphic organizers to go with any Valentine's Day book, Math Printables, Language Arts Printables and Interactive Reading Journals Thematic Supplements! There are plenty of ways to make your Valentine's Day celebration fun and educational!

I hope your New Years ended as peacefully as this...

Leave a comment below about what you are excited about teaching in the new year (along with your e-mail address) for a chance to win any product from my store. I will pick a random winner Saturday evening! (Along with another chance to win!)
Happy New Year! Stephany

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