
Organizing Kids Clothes & Hand-Me-Downs ~ Day #15

A number of years ago I wrote about how I kept track of the various sizes of my then young son’s clothing. Keeping track of kids clothing and “clothes to grow into” gets complicated for sure. We had been blessed with many hand me downs for my youngest when he was little and trying to keep them in some kind of order was a bit daunting to say the least. What I found worked best for me was to keep the next two sizes to fit into hanging in his closet (his day to day clothes were kept in his dresser). Then clothes that were bigger than that and wouldn’t be worn for awhile I kept in totes in his closet labeled with the size on the outside.

To keep the clothes in the closet separated by size I simply used a label folded over the first hanger with the size marked on it. This way I could easily see where one size started and ended. Super easy and inexpensive.

Of course this was all before the days of Pinterest and all the readily available printables that are out there now. So many fun options for you to choose from these days. This past week I read a great blog post from Abby at Just a Girl and her blog where she describes the method she uses for organizing her kids hand-me-downs. It’s a great system that includes taking inventory and using various containers to keep them all sorted out. Her post also includes free printables for an inventory list and size dividers. Click on the picture below to go on over and check it out.

To find more size divider printables check out my Organized Closets Pinterest Board.

See also: Organizing & Inventorying Children’s Clothing plus Free Printables

How do you organize your hand-me-downs?

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