Jamie Riggs

Good Questions for Math Teaching K-6 week 2

I finally enjoyed my "first" day of summer yesterday. School let out on the 10th.... but I haven't had a chance to just sit and veg until yesterday. It was wonderful. And, how did I spend my day? Reading a math PD book, ofcourse!
If you haven't had a chance to join us in our double book study yet, you aren't too late! You can pick up the two books by clicking the links below AND the past two weeks posts are at the end to help you catch up!

Click HERE to purchase the K-6 version of Good Questions for Math Teaching
Click HERE to purchase the 5-8 version of Good Questions for Math Teaching
Okay, here's how it will work - each week one of the four of us will "host" a section on our blog. This week's section will be from the 5-8 book and will be hosted by Jennifer from Teaching to Inspire in 5th Just head over there, read her post, and comment with your thoughts on the section. Jennifer will lead the discussion and the other three of us will chime in and try to keep the discussion rolling! We'd LOVE to have you join us!!
Make sure to head over to Jennifer's blog today (link above and below!) or Jenn's /Meg's blog post from past weeks and chime in!
Week 1: K-6 Book with Meg Anderson Section 1
Week 2: 5-8 Book with Jennifer Smith-Sloane Section 1
Week 3: K-6 Book with Jennifer Findley Section 2
Week 4: 5-8 Book with Jamie Riggs Section 3: Number Releationships; Multiplication and Proportional Reasoning

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