Thoughts for Thursday

We are still soaking up our vacay - it's been raining all week (bummer!), but today is beautiful so we are headed out to lunch and enjoy the sun! A few things on my mind today...
1. This is one seriously beautiful home tour you need to check out! Amber kills it every time!

2. I'm getting my hair done later today, and I'm thinking of chopping it even shorter and making the ends a little lighter. Once you chop, you can't stop! I'm loving my shorter hair, it's more fun! Love this cut...

3. Is it bad to say I'm getting excited for fall & fall fashion? Let's not get it confused...I loathe winter, but love fall! I'll be sad when summer is over, but I'm actually looking forward to saying goodbye to the heat and humidity! This pre-fall edit is all kinds of amazing!

Have a fab day!! xx

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