The Budget Babe · Nov 14, 2014

Decorate by Number: Simple and Modern Bedroom

In this weekly column, I'm sharing tips to help you achieve high-style home decor looks—on a budget. This week we're chatting bedrooms. Visit my blog A Vintage Splendor for more inspiration.

When you think of a warm, cozy, and inviting bedroom, pillows galore, faux fur throws, and neutral yet cheery hues come to mind. If all that fluff isn’t your thing, you can still achieve the same level of comfort in a bedroom on the other end of the spectrum. Rest assured, cool tones and modern pieces can be comfortable and create a space you’ll want to laze away in. Just like some people are chocolate ice cream lovers and others vanilla (I’m all about strawberry ice cream), there are different versions of comfort and everyone is right. It’s really about identifying what relaxes and calms you as opposed to what most people connote with comfort.

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