Tamara Kalinic

Quitting Blogging? || Monday Confessions

Recently I did a full video where I answered to some of your questions, and a lot of them were from fellow bloggers asking about monetising blog, about how to deal with negative comments, when to start blogging full time and when to quit. I wrote about a lot of topics from above before, but finally decided to address the topic of "go big or go home". No, I am most certainly not quitting blogging, as I suggested many times before this is what drives me, this is what I love, and I recently even discussed with a close blogger friend of mine how good photos make me incredibly happy. Its that feeling of content when you know you produced something amazing. So whats with the title you might be thinking? I wanted to talk about quitting or not quitting, you know the dilemma that Shakespeare depicted a little bit more dramatically in 17th Century with the famous words that Prince Hamlet said in the play. Weather its blogging, job, university, hobby, sport, relationship, we all at one point feel its time to quit something, and that is absolutely normal. You are not a failure if you want to quit, you are simply trying to protect yourself in most of the occasions. That is why I decided to write a whole post on how I make my decisions, and when is it ok to quit, as well as when you should pursue what you are doing. 1.Relationships. Quitting a relationship doesn't mean just breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sometimes it means quitting relationships with friends. Being 26 I have a lot of experience with various relations, and now I look at it all much more maturely. You don't have to keep people in your life just because they have been there for a long time. People are supposed to be there for each other, to support each other, and if you feel it is a one way road its time for a serious conversation. I would never quit on someone unless I had a conversation with them. The main reason and sign to leave a relationship would be if its toxic. Just ask yourself is this relationship toxic for me, is it stopping me from doing what I love, is it not letting me grow,is it making me upset? In the past I had to ask myself these questions, and when the answer to all was yes, I would cut it in the root, preventing relationship to hurt me anymore, even when quitting it would be painful. Sometimes you have to make that jump for your better future. 2.Job. I also have a bit of experience here. I am now full time fashion blogger, but I did around 10 different jobs as a student, and one really serious job after I graduated. When I say serious I mean I had to give around 4 months notice that I am quitting, and I had to think about it A LOT. Pro and Con lists always help me here, my sister calls it "putting it on the paper". I loved my job, it made me happy to help people, but it also made me pretty depressed how real and hard it was to lose people from time to time. Working as a pharmacist in England means close relationships with your patients, and sometimes it can be hard. In the end I figured out its better both materially and mentally for me to do what I love. I spoke about it before, it was a huge huge risk, and I wouldn't do it if I was worried about paying rent, supporting children or for example paying back a loan. You have to put everything on paper and find out if quitting job will make you happy or even more desperate if you are unemployed for a very long time. 3.School. When I say school I clearly mean university. My inner Tamara would say NEVER quit school, but there are instances when even that is an option. Don't quit school because its stressful, or because exams are hard and you can't deal with people. Only ever quit your education if it isn't the path that is right for you. Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Elton John and many others didn't follow the traditional education system, and when I say that, I am just being polite and not saying they dropped out of school. You need to decide what is good for you by deciding if you are in the right course, maybe you thought Media and Communication course is about something else, maybe you didn't believe that being an accountant means what you are being thought in the course. Be brave, decisive, and don't just crumble under pressure or stress. There should be a good reason to quit school, and don't even think about it if you reason is laziness. 4.Hobby. We all need hobbies to keep going, to have something to freshen up our mind, you know that one thing that will get all the stress out of your system, like dancing, or tennis, singing, acting, fashion, maybe even blogging. It is important to nurture the habit of attending hobbies, because besides the fact that they are fun, they are building you as a person, sports are extremely healthy, reading clubs are culturally fulfilling you, and cinema is just exciting. Again there is a time when hobbies cost more than can give back. I have noticed that (specially in England) having a hobby can cost a fortune, a lot of the time its totally worth it, but sometimes it just purely isn't. Other times hobby can take a lot of your time that you could use for other stuff, such as studying, socialising or maybe doing something that makes you happier. Don't quit a hobby because you are not organised and can't manage your time well. Quit it only if you feel unwell and bored every time you are supposed to attend it, see what is right for you, and maybe try something else if the current hobby isn't fulfilling you. Time management is a big key in this post. A lot of people quit things because they simply can not organise and prioritise and end up doing nothing. Don't think about quitting because of one bad experience, be brave, be persistent, but also don't put up with anything just for the sake of doing it. Remember its your life and its absolutely fine to make decisions, even the wrong ones from time to time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre nekoliko dana snimila sam video u kom sam odgovorila na neka od vasih pitanja, mnoga od pitanja bila su uprvo od strane kolega blogera, a najcesca su bila kako zaraditi novac od bloga, kako se nositi sa negativnim komentarima, kada napustiti posao zbog bloga i kada prestati sa blogovanjem. Pisala sam o mnogim temama koje ste me pitali, ali danas zelim da se posvetm pitanju kada uloziti celog sebe u nesto,a kada to treba jednostavno napustiti i nastaviti drugim putem. Da odmah rascistim vazduh, ja NE gasim blog niti to planiram da ucinim sve dok ga vi citate. Kao sto sam mnogo puta rekla, ovo me motivise, gura i zaista uzivam u ovome sto radim. Skoro sam razgovarala sa drugaricom blogerkom i priznala joj kako me dobre fotografije cine izuzetno srecnom. Taj osecaj zadovoljstva kada znam da sam stvorila nesto dobro je neprocenjiv. Zasto onda ovakav naslov mozda se pitate? Zelim da se posvetim temi da li napustiti ili nastaviti, znate i sami dilema koju je Shakespeare opisao u mnogo dramaticnijem obliku, jos u 17. veku, cuvenim recima koje je Princ Hamlet izgovorio u ovom komadu. Bez obzira da li govorimo o blogu, poslu, fakultetu, hobiju, sportu, vezi, svi smo se nasli u toj situaciji kada ne znamo da li da nastavimo ili da jednostavno odustanemo i to je sasvim normalno. Ukoliko zelite da odustanete od necega to vas ne cini manje uspesnim, uglavnom se u takvim situacijama stitimo od necega sto nam ne prija. Zato sam odlucila da napisem ceo post o tome kako ja donosim odluke i kada smatram da je sasvim ok odustati odnosno kada treba nastaviti sa upornoscu. 1.Ljubavne veze/prijateljstva. Prekinuti vezu ne znaci samo raskinuti sa momkom ili devojkom. Ponekad to znaci prekinuti prijateljsvo. Imam 26 godina i mogu reci da sam u ovim stvarima mnogo bolja nego kada sam imala 16 ili cak i 20. Ne morate cuvati ljude oko sebe samo zato sto su tu oduvek. Ljudi treba da budu tu jedni za druge, ne da budu tu radi navike, ali kada se osecate da je ta veza postala jednosmerna ulica u kojoj samo vi dajete, vreme je za ozbiljan razgovor. Glavni razlog da napustite neku vezu je ako je ona toksicna. Jednostavno pitajte sami sebe da li vam ta veza skodi, da li vas cini nesrecnim, da li vas zaustavlja da radite ono sto zelite, ne dopusta vam da rastete ili vas stalno cini nesrecnim? U proslosti sam i sama sebe pitala ova pitanja i kada je odgovor da, sasekla bih vezu u korenu. U ljubavnim vezama moze biti tesko, jer je uzrok raskida slomljeno srce, ali ako znate da stavljate sebe na prvo mesto i da volite vise nego sto mozete biti voljeni, budite pametni i naprvavite taj potez radi bolje buducnosti. 2.Posao. Ovde imam takodje iskustva. Sada sam blogerka puno radno vreme, ali sam radila oko 10 poslova, ako ne vise kada sam bila student i jedan zaista ozbiljan posao kao diplomirani farmaceut. Kada kazem ozbiljan mislim da na mojoj poziciji morate dati minimum 4 meseca obavestenje unapred da planirate da napustite isti, a ja sam morala o ovom da razmislim BAS MNOGO. Napisala sam bezbroj ZA i PROTIV lista i one su mi dosta pomogle. Moja sestra za donosenje svake odluke cesto kaze "Stavi na papir". Volela sam svoj posao, bila sam srecna kada bih nekome pomogla, ali i veoma nesrecna kada bih se suocavala sa bespomoci. U Engleskoj biti farmaceut podrazumeva poznavanje pacijenata, njihove istorije bolesti, lecenja i ponekad bi mi tesko palo kada ne mogu da pomognem nekome ko mi je bas prirastao za srce. Na kraju sam shvatila da je za mene bolje ne samo materijalno vec i psihicki da se posvetim onome sto me zaista ispunjava. Pricala sam o tome i ranije, bio je to veliki rizik, ali mozda ne bih isto postupila da imam decu o kojoj vodim brigu, kredit da otplatim ili nesto slicno. Stavite sve na papir, to ce vam pomoci da otkrijete da li ce vas neki drugi posao usreciti ili cete jednostavno napraviti veliku gresku. 3.Skola. Kada kazem skola mislim na fakultet. Moj unutrasnji glas bi rekao NIKADA ne napustajte skolu, ali naravno da postoje situacije kada je i ovo opcija. Ne napustajte skolu zato sto je stresno, zato sto su ispiti teski ili zato sto nemate vremena za druge stvari. Fakultet napustite samo ako to nije pravi put za vas licno. Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Elton John i mnogi drugi nisu prosli sistem tradicionalnog obrazovanja a kada to kazem, samo na kulturan nacin napominjem da su zapravo pali ili nisu prosli potrebne ispite. Morate odluciti sta je prava stvar za vas, da li ste na pravom putu, da li ste mislili da fakultet za medije podrazumeva nesto drugo? Mozda ste mislili da je biti racunovodja malo drugacije. Budite hrabri, odlucni i ne posustajte pod pritiskom stresa. Lenjost ne sme da bude razlog da napustite skolu, potreban vam je pravi i dobar razlog za to. 4.Hobi. Svi mi imamo neke hobije ili aktivnosti kojima se bavimo u slobodno vreme. To nam je potrebno kako bismo rascistili um, izbacili stres iz organizma,nesto kao sto su ples, tenis, pevanje, gluma, moda, pa mozda cak i blog. Bitno je hraniti ove navike, ulagati u njih, stvarati neki odgovoran odnos izmedju hobija i vas samih, jer osim sto su zabavne, ove aktivnosti vas grade kao osobu, ispunjavaju vas, mogu biti zdrave i zanimljive. Opet postoji i odredjeni trosak kada su hobiji u pitanju. Primetila sam da (posebno u Engleskoj) odrzavati hobi nekada kosta citavo bogatsvo, cesto i vredi ali ponekad i ne. Nekada vas hobi kosta ne samo mnogo novaca vec i mnogo vremena koje biste radije utrosili uceci, druzeci se ili jednostavno radeci nesto drugo sto vas cini srecnijima. Ne napustajte hobi zato sto ne mozete da se organizujete ili rasporedite vreme. Napustite ga iskljucivo ako vas ne cini srecnim i ako se osecate bas lose kada treba da mu se posvetite. Znate onaj osecaj nelagode kada nam se nesto bas bas, ne radi. Mozda jos uvek niste pronasli pravi hobi, da jeste verovatno ne bi razmisljali o tome da ga prekinete. Sve u svemu dobro rasporedjeno vreme je kljuc ovog posta. Mnogi ljudi napustaju obaveze zato sto ne mogu da se organizuju kako treba, ne znaju koji su im prioriteti i na kraju ne rade nista. Nemojte napustiti nesto jer ste jednom imali lose iskustvo, budite hrabri i uporni, ali isto tako nemojte raditi nista tek radi reda. Zapamtite da imamo samo jedan zivot i na vama je da napravite odluke, te da je sasvim u redu s vremena na vreme napraviti i one pogresne.

The post Quitting Blogging? || Monday Confessions appeared first on Glam & Glitter.

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