Projaproti Jeni

How To Choose:Which Hair Colors Look Best For Green Eyes?

If you wish to flatter your wonderful peepers you've got to bring out your eye color . Considered one of the best ways to represent your eye color is to highlight it with your hair color . Apply your locks to your interest ,since the ideal color can certainly make your eyes pop .

To figure out the best hair color for green eyes ,consider exactly what green your eyes are along with the color of your skin tone .
People who have a yellow or golden skin undertone ,enjoy a warm skin tone.
On the other hand,People who have a pink and blue skin undertones belong to the cool skin tone .

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Which mean that hair color for fair ,pink colored skin and green eyes might look completely "washed out" on a woman with olive skin tone and green eyes .

Green Eyes and Fair Skin
Best hair color for green eyes and fair skin :Shades of red,Blonde shades or honey blonde highlights can also emphasize your eye color.
How to: While lighter hair color shades look totally unnatural with darker skin tones, the reverse in fact looks wonderful.
Tips: Warm shades gold, auburn or copper which can only end up in highlighting the ruddiness of the skin.

Green eyes and Olive skin
Best hair color for green eyes and olive skin :Plum and burgundy highlights, brown, dark brown and black
How to: Warmer skin undertones are "caramel and bronze" in a shade darker than your skin.
Avoid : The brassy blondes or any of the lighter shades of blondes.

Green Eyes and Tanned Skin
Best hair colors for green eyes and a tanned skin : deep chocolate browns,champagne and beige.
How to : All the shades of brown-light and dark ones.

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