Julia Mueller

Vanilla Chai Overnight Oats

This post is sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill. All thoughts, feelings, and opinions are my own, and I thank you for supporting the brands that help make this site possible. For more delicious recipes and a coupon for $1.00 off any product, please visit BobsRedMill.com!

Do you remember when chai was a major thing circa 2000? It was everything. It was the new hot chocolate, paved the road for matcha, the means to get your buzz on sans coffee. Truthfully, I’m not altogether sure the chai craze ever dissipated – it was and is just.that.good. If you went to my high school and got caught ordering a soy chai at a local coffee shop, your cool status shot through the roof. GuarentEED to get a prom date at that point. And for a good reason: Chai’s on fleek.

Forever and always.

Keep calm and chai on.

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