10 Up & Coming Travel Blogs You Should Be Following

In today's growingly-infinite digital age, It's difficult to find travel blogs that not only fuel your wanderlust, but also give you an urge to arrange for an impromptu getaway. Like you, we at Bloglovin' love to travel, so we compiled a list of our favorite up & comers in the blogosphere.

Here you can find some of the most talented up-and-coming travel bloggers, with a Bloglovin' following of roughly 10,000 or less, who we think deserve way more attention. Happy blog surfing!


The Overseas Escape is the story of Margo's "escape to a world bursting with charm, cobbled stone, and accents." She and her husband Dan plan to explore Europe as much as possible, fueled by unique, offbeat experiences that make it all worthwhile.

You can expect to find both detailed and quick destination guides on The Overseas Escape, as well as travel advice and bucket list locations you should invest yourself in when planning to go abroad. Margo has a love for culture, food, and photography that lead to passion-driven content that's extremely satisfying to read and see. You'll always leave The Overseas Escape with a burning desire to arrange impulsive travel plans.

If you're looking for a travel blog that leverages the unique, off-beat experiences Europe has to offer, check out The Overseas Escape!

Follow: The Overseas Escape

Aubrey / The Love Assembly

Aubrey of The Love Assembly is an Australian travel blogger who dedicates her time to creating travel and fashion content that aims to inspire and motivate "young women to live a more creative and curious life," all while sparking the fire to pursue one's passions and dreams.

The blog is filled with travel tips, stories, inspiration, and styles that help readers live life to the fullest. Aubrey created her blog out of a hunger for curiosity, and as an outlet for an independent style of living fueled by creative freedom. You'll be sure to find travel secrets and tips, food and drink tastings, global shopping finds, and so much more at The Love Assembly.

Whether you're looking for the best eats in Melbourne, fashion tips for a tropical getaway, or hidden treasures in India and beyond, you'll be sure to find it and more at The Love Assembly.

Follow: The Love Assembly

Anna & Søren / 12hrs

Anna and Søren of 12hrs take a very unique, time-centered approach to travel blogging. Travel entries are broken up into 12 hour intervals, paving way for concise and meaningful content.

12hrs was created for people who love travel, design, fashion, and art, and you'll be sure to find plenty of quality posts of that nature. You can find anything from travel and city guides, to photo stories and streetstyle across the globe.

If you're looking for a blog that takes a fresh perspective on traveling, filled with concise, jaw-dropping content, 12hrs is for you!

Follow: 12hrs


Megan and Emanuel created Field & Forest as a means of inspiration and insight for readers as they travel to both new and familiar places. The duo has an eternal love for outdoor adventures, capturing every moment of their travels along the way.

Megan and Emanuel take on everything from evenings on the lake and mountains hikes, to late-night swims and canoe rides. The wildly adventurous team takes on the outdoors through "days that stretch out before you like a map." They prove their "it's a beautiful world out there" disposition with beautiful photography, travel guides, tips, tricks, and more.

If you're looking for an adventurous, outdoors-focused travel blog filled with beautiful pictures, travel guides, tips, and more, be sure to check out Field & Forest!

Follow: Field & Forest

Peony Lim

Peony Lim is a travel, fashion, food and lifestyle blogger who started her blog after being photographed by streetstyle photographers outside of her university. After a few years of blogging, she accumulated a large following, and redesigned her blog into one that focuses on editorial content with a personal touch.

Peony posts travel content into distinctive categories, such as "resort," "rural," and "sightseeing," that are further broken down into the numerous locations she's traveled to. Each post takes on its own personality, synonymous with the location it's based off of. You'll be sure to find plenty of fashion tips, places to eat and stay, travel guides, and more.

If you're looking for a magazine-esque travel blog that takes on angles of fashion, food, and lifestyle on a global scale, be sure to check out Peony Lim!

Follow: Peony Lim

Stephen & Jess / Flying the Nest

Stephen and Jess of Flying the Nest are an Australian couple with a passion for travel, photography, and film. The couple travels the world full time, and documents their adventures with outstanding pictures and videos.

On Flying the Nest, you'll find anything from experiences at exotic locations, to daily travel tips and guides. Through their blog, the couple hopes to be a source of inspiration for people who also have an urge to "fly the nest to explore and experience our world."

If you're looking for a travel blog filled with high quality photos and cinematic videos that perfectly capture every location traveled to, take a look at Flying the Nest.

Follow: Flying the Nest

Travel Noire

Travel Noire is a traveler's toolkit curated by a growing list of worldly content creators. Contributors share their love of culture and exploring, with the intention of inspiring and sparking the urge to get away.

Contributors come from all parts of the world, paving way for diverse posts that take on their own personalities. Likewise, with so many contributors, content is always up to date and locations are always increasingly unique. The goal of Travel Noire is to "take you from wherever you are–to a discovery of your inner explorer."

If you're looking for a quality travel blog written by multiple contributors, all voicing their own personalities and unique travel adventures, check out Travel Noire!

Follow: Travel Noire

Katie / The Travelling Light

Katie of The Travelling Light curates and creates a collection of special, sometimes secret places to visit around the world. She is constantly looking for new places to travel to, always "following the light" around the globe.

Katie's blog takes on a modern aesthetic–one that is very visuals focused, backed by clean-cut copy and a beautiful, minimalistic layout. Each travel category is packed with plenty of content to keep you satisfied. You almost feel as if you have personally gone to each and every location yourself after reading through Katie's content.

If you're looking for a uniquely laid out, visuals-focused blog backed by clean-cut content and an ever-growing list of travel locations, The Travelling Light is for you!

Follow: The Travelling Light

Elaine & Taylor / Local Wanderer

Elaine and Taylor created Local Wanderer with the intent to make it easier for readers to discover beautiful, local places when traveling. Their mission is to connect travelers with the communities they venture to, emphasizing localism rather than tourism.

Local Wanderer serves as a directory of awesome places, curated by someone readers can trust. They successfully establish this connection with compelling, personable content that instantly draw you in and hooks you.

If you're looking for a travel blog that will make you one with the locals wherever you travel, Local Wanderer is for you.

Follow: Local Wanderer

Jacintha / Urban pixxels

London based Jacintha of Urban Pixxels created her blog with the intent to share photos and stories of her travels, give a peek into her new life in London, create city guides, and share random thoughts along the way.

Jacintha feels most inspired when traveling, and is constantly expanding both she and her readers' horizons with unique and engaging content. Photo quality is always at the highest standard, and the stories backing them are always rich and fulfilling.

If you're looking for a London-based travel blog that features high quality images and copy, take a look at Urban Pixxels!

Follow: Urban Pixxels

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