Yara Michels

7 lessons I’ve learned in 25 years

Last weekend I officially surpassed the hefty milestone of being a quarter of a century. Now that I’m old and wise (hence, 26 for a week), I feel like it’s a nice moment to take a look at some of the things I’ve learned in that time. My 25th year has taught me more valuable lessons than any other and some of the things I intuitively knew finally really settled in.

Maybe some of my insights will be valuable to you too, so here’s a handful of things I’ve learned after 25 years.

1. No amount of worrying can change the future and no amount of over analysing can change the past.
Something that doesn’t always come naturally to people (and when I say people I clearly also mean myself) is letting go. Trust that the right things will stick. Because – *spoiler alert!* – everything is going to be alright.

2. It’s OK to walk away from things that no longer serves your growth or makes you happy.
If something no longer serves your happiness or growth; leave it right there. Whether it’s work, friendship, romance, a future plan that you had: stop thinking about how it could or should have been and move along. Feels impossible? Re-read point 1.

3. You will make unpopular decisions.
Not everyone is going to approve of the choices you make, the priorities you put in place or the opinions you voice. You might lose touch with people because if that, but the most important opinion is the one you have of yourself. Deciding to truly own your decisions will be liberating.

4. A clean and happy home is the base for a peaceful life.
My brain tends to be pretty chaotic; I constantly switch between thoughts, moods and ideas. In order for me not to go nuts, I need to keep my living environment cleaned up. I’ve found that there’s a direct link to how clean and cozy my home is and how happy I feel.

5. Travelling alone can be scary, but it will make you fee
This month, I went on a holiday on my own for the first time ever. Like I said on Instagram, I wanted some time off, so I rented an adorable apartment on Ibiza and simply got on a plane. In my opinion it’s really healthy to spend some time alone, and to know how to be happy and whole without relying on anyone or anything else.

6. Sometimes, all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage.
Recently I was browsing through momentary happiness and it said: You know, sometimes, all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it. I totally believe it takes risks to get somewhere. Make the first move. Tell someone how you feel. Be honest. Just suck it up for twenty brave, big seconds and see what happens.

7. Take life one day at a time.
Changing your life is not a quick fix or a marathon. It’s true that making things better simply takes time and a few mistakes along the way.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments with which one of these ‘lessons’ you can identify most with at this point in your life. Is there any lesson that you recently found to be particularly true to you?

The post 7 lessons I’ve learned in 25 years appeared first on CHAPTER FRIDAY.

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