
9 Quick Concealer Tips We All Should Know

Here are a few tricks for a flawless complexion! Concealer is a beauty product that should be in every girls’ make-up bag. It helps us look less tired, fresher and brighter. When applied the right way it can seriously change your complexion. Put it on a blemish, dark spot or cover darks spots.

PHOTO: weheartit

9 quick concealer tips we all should know

#1. Choose the right type
Pick out the right concealer. There are basically two types of concealer. Liquid concealer, which is better for dry skin and thicker/creamy concealer which works best for oily skin.

#2. Choose the right brand
When looking for concealer, try to find one that doesn’t clog your pores, gives the best coverage and choose a colour that suits your skin tone. In my opinion the best concealers are from MAC, Maybelline, Laura Mercier and Bobbi Brown.

#3. What are you concealing
When you’re covering dark circles use a pink or peach-toned concealer. Next choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your foundation and has a yellow undertone to brighten dark circles. And if you want to cover red spots, choose a green-toned concealer to cover the redness.

Green: Cover up red areas
Pink: Even out skin & cover dark circles
Yellow: Works on olive or tan skin and brightens your skin

#4. Prep Your Skin
Before you’re applying concealer prep your face or eye area with a moisturiser and a primer. The more pigmented your concealer, the more likely it is that it will settle into any fine lines or wrinkles. Apply a good moisturiser first, which plumps up the outer layers of the skin, gives you a smoother surface to apply your concealer.

#5. Apply concealer after your foundation
If you apply your foundation first, you’ll find that you don’t need to use as much concealer. If you apply concealer first, however, you’ll remove most of it while applying your foundation

#6. The technique
The most flattering way to apply concealer is to draw a triangle with the base under your eye and the point toward your cheek. This shape not only conceals dark circles, but it also instantly creates the illusion that your face is lifted. Think of it as holding a flashlight against your cheek, shining the light right underneath your eye, and drawing the focus upward.

#7. Pat not smear
Instead of smearing or spreading it around, you should tap the product around the area to blend or distribute it. The smearing just removes product, tapping will put the concealer where you want it.

#8. Concealing blemishes
When concealing blemishes, first use a green concealer, then cover the area with a concealer that matches your skin tone perfectly. Cancel out a pimple’s redness by applying green concealer with a clean brush to only the pimple (not the skin around it) to avoid spreading the bacteria. Then, use a cotton swab to dab on a high-coverage liquid concealer that matches your skin tone to camouflage the pimple. Blend it into the surrounding skin and finish with setting powder.

#9. Set your concealer
Dip a small brush into a translucent powder (with the excess tapped off) this prevents your concealer from running

How do you apply your concealer? Let us know! Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for more behind the scenes pictures & updates!

Featured image: BOBBI BROWN

The post 9 Quick Concealer Tips We All Should Know appeared first on CAREER GIRL DAILY.

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