Ailsa Forshaw

Spring Has Sprung, Baby!

Yay! I sooo love the Spring - maybe because I'm a Spring Baby? lol! That's my little theory, that your favorite Season is the Season you were born in - let me know if you think I might be on to something there - haha!

I thought these Flower Pots were the best idea! So pretty! I have a ton of Primulas on my Balcony - so colorful, a huge pop of color, right away! And $1.29 a pop, sooo.... lots of color for under $20! Yahoo!

One of my favorite walks - on The Gorge, in Victoria, BC, Canada - endlessly pretty!

Hello, Spring!

Spring Affirmation: I Am Open And Receptive To A New And Joyous Present And Future (Louise Hay!)

Oh, how much do you love a Birch Forest? So delicate, so pretty!

Tulips, Baby!!

Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias, Oh, My!

Tulips with sunny little faces! : )

Wait, haven't I seen you somewhere, before? lol! ; )

Oh My Goodness, Orange Blossoms? I love, love, love - all that color!

Happiness is.... a massive bed of Tulips? Yep! : )

Hello World!

THE biggest Wisteria Tree I've ever seen - and, a li'l funny, I thought Wisteria was for hanging down through a pergola, right? lol!

Little Cheery Yellow Faces! Omg, I love Tulips!

See the Inner Harbour? How pretty is that? Butchart Gardens, Victoria, BC, Canada - one of my favorite Gardens in the whole wide world! lol!

You gotta get up early in the morning, to snip all the little frills into these Tulips - haha! Makes me think of the gardeners, out there with their little manicure scissors, snip snip snip - haha! ; )

We have some of the biggest Rhododendron Blossoms in the world, in Victoria, BC, Canada - soo gorgeous, so many beautiful parks - and lots of the parks and gardens are free - make sure to check out The Finnerty Gardens at UVic - Free Parking on Sundays! Yahoo!

And the Gardens at Royal Roads University - bring a dollar for parking, but the Gardens are Free, Free, Free! And Oh, So Gorgeous!

And my favorite little blue flowers - I love when the ground is covered in blue flowers! So pretty!

Happy Spring!! Your New Little Friend, Ailsa! : > xoxo!

And come in and see me over at my other blog, too!

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