Next, there may be times you want to prevent some kind of default behaviour. And the simplest example of that is maybe you have a link on your page and for whatever reason, you don't want users to be able to go to the link. Not sure why you would do that. That would be kind of bad user experience but you could do it. So let's see what that would look like. We will have list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr and it's our second day of the list items. And let's just call this one div.Or something like that. And let's say you have a link.
2.HGP and ETG
1.ECMO look like this an h ref. And if you've never seen it before you just give it you know HGP or ETG P.S. address you want to go to digital marketing agencies let's say this will take you to google the com and you put whatever text you want in between the tag the opening-closing tags. Click here to go to list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr for best results. Then you close off your are like so right and just to take a quick peek at that. We know what to expect.
2.We've all seen this kind of link before but let's say for some reason and again I'm not sure when you do this for some reason you want to prevent users from being able to click on this link. Let's see if we can't figure that out. It's pretty straightforward.
3.IDs and Verifications
It's actually similar to stop propagation but we don't use propagation we use defaults. So it's going to look like this. First of all, we'll grab both the ID and grab the atec there. So the cost of two equals document doesn't get TELLEMENT by list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr and on tellement IDs.
To say Konst my link equals have to start query selector. We only need the one. Just the one a and then we can say my link. Add event listener. We can say click again and just give it list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr and in an anonymous function just for the sake of being simplistic about it. At first, we could say events and then this one we can do events to prevent default and then we can alert not today as late you say.
4. New Dimensions
A. All right let's refresh and you might expect. Hey if I click here it's going to take me to google. Cool click. Not today. And you can see it doesn't actually do anything. Prevented the default link behaviour which of course is to just take you to whatever link you clicked on. And it's not doing it right. So bit weird in this particular scenario but there are times when this might be useful.
B. Normally you want to be careful with this though in terms of affecting the expected behaviour or if a user expects something to happen and you take that control away from them. It's often kind of poor user experience and you know this could be useful for creating your own shortcuts perhaps best digital marketing agencies in our city.
C. For example, maybe you don't want users to be able to hit the space bar to scroll down, for example, you could do that. There is some built-in protection zone in your browser for example in Chrome. You know if you command W or control w on Windows it always closes the tab. You can't override that because you know chrome wants that behaviour built in. Always. Please check here our list of list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr 2019.
4. Prevalent Ways
i.You know one of the most prevalent ways you might see this is if you've ever been on a web page and you try to right click and it doesn't let you. First of all, that's easy to get around. And list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr second of all, that's just going to annoy your users.
ii.But if you wanted to do that you know that's something called context menu. So the event listener will look out for is a context menu about pop up. If so prevent the default if you want it to prevent that. On our link here we refresh this.