Alina Aidan

iOS UIKit Framework and its Components

Hi Guys,

Today, I am going to Discuss about iOS UIKit Framework and its Components. Lets get started-

The UIKit framework is used to provide graphical infrastructure and event-driven interface for the iOS application. The User interface can be implemented by window and view architecture which is provided by the UIKit framework. It manages the interaction between the user, system, and application. It provides features like multi-touch, input to the application, animation support, drawing support, document support, printing support, management and display of text, resource management, current device information, accessibility support, extension support and searches support.

Below are some points provided by the UIKit framework:-

App Structure

User Interface

Event Handling

Graphic, Drawing, and Printing


App Structure

The UIKit framework manages the interaction between the system and user. It also provides classes to manage the application resources and data.

User Interface

It helps in user interactions, share text/content, select images, edit videos print files with the help of inbuilt UIKit view controllers.

Read more here>> iOS UIKit Framework and its Components

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