
how much does it cost to make adidas shoes

sway c but would you feel bad about yourself if you bought a shoe that cost dollars to make for 3 figures or higher? would you feel ashamed, like a sucker, like you were pretending even if the shoes were genuine, because you still are investing (if you can even call that investing since you aren't flipping the shoes or saving them to resell later to collectors as they become rarer like some people do with comics, etc etc etc) in a shoe, something you wear, and many if not most people wear them to be seen by others 257 Best Jordan images | Jordans, Michael jordan> › eastbay › jordan, to be thought of as wealthy. (or to be seen as rich i guess, because actually wealth and money are not the same thing, please feel free to look it up if you don't believe it unless yo are already aware of the difference.).

just because you want to portray an image to other people i wonder? just wondering, because for all i know you don't even care about fashion or wearing new sneakers or whatever, but i just find it interesting talking with others about where their personal moral compass is, their views on what they believe is right and wrong and how they see themselves and others. your objection to fakes seems to be from how you would feel about yourself as if the shoes you wear, real or fake define you in any way.

i guess i could sort of see your point of view if you said you have an objection to stealing intellectual property such as designs. as an artist i don't mind as i have found in the long run if you have real talent it only creates more hype for you to have people bootlegging your music it also reaches a wider audience, but i can understand and respect how many others aren't okay with being stolen from. but its also odd to me to have any loyalty to a corporation, its not a person, and trust me they damn sure don't care about you or their child slave workers, at least in the case of so many major brands.. even major brands who genuinely try to be vigilant against child labor have had histories of buying from suppliers who employ kids multiple times.

if your personal moral creed was that you're not okay with stealing regardless, the world is not that black and white in my view, but i agree that some things re just true, and you know when you are a baby that its wrong because even before major socialization you ar able to empathize with others and it hurts your stomach and heart to do some things to people. unless you are born a sociopath, non- emotive, etc. i can definitely respect someone who sticks to their moral compass, instead of saying oh well i say this and do something else, or entertains double standards etc. but id be interested to hear why you feel a shoe reflects on you as a person. or the supposed authenticity of a jordan shoe. if you were honest about them being fake, then would it still bother you? anyways end of rant sorry for writing an entire novel I'm testing a new speech to text mobile device add on for the disabled i just whipped up in my garage, so also please excuse any lack of punctuation, lol. cheers.

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