Bounnie Miller

Dental Implants. How Do They Work?

Dental implant procedure has changed the way teeth replacement works. Dentures are difficult to wear. They make chewing and talking a challenge. However, the implant dentistry has changed the way lost teeth are treated. The discovery implant dentistry has changed the way lost teeth were treated. If you are presently wearing dentures (partial or full) to replace one or more missing teeth, dental implants can give the replacement teeth that look, feel and function like the natural as original.

About Dental Implants

Dental implants are primarly used to replace the missing teeth. These are screw-like devices which are inserted by a surgeon and implanted into the jawbone, and it acts as an anchor for the artificial tooth that is called the crown. The abutment connects the artificial tooth to the dental implant. The crown is made to fit the person’s mouth and also match the colour of their teeth. The crowns look and feel and function much like natural teeth. As the implants fuse to the jawbone, they provide stable support for artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges are then mounted to the implants would not slip or shift in the mouth. It is an essential benefit when eating and speaking.

Can You Get Dental Implants?

The normal bridges and dentures are not comfortable or even possible due to sore spots, ridges or ragging. The ordinary bridges must be attached to the teeth on either side by the missing tooth's space. A key benefit of implants is that no adjacent teeth have to be prepared or ground down to hold a new or replacement tooth. Before going for dental, make sure that you have healthy gums, enough bone to support the implant or candidate for bone grafting: good oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits to ensure the long-term success and health of dental implants.

Which Type of Dental Implants?

• Endosteal Implants are the most commonly placed implants which are implanted into the jawbone. When the surrounding gum tissue have healed. A second surgery is then required to connect a post to the original implant. Later on, an artificial tooth (or teeth) is attached to the post-individually or grouped on a denture.

• The other type is subperiosteal implants. These are used with patients who don’t have enough healthy bone. A metal frame is fitted onto the jawbone below the gum tissue.


Before you go for dental implants Baton Rouge, these are a few things that you need to consider

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