Bounnie Miller

Three Important Reasons to Hire an Immigration Attorney

Immigration procedures often require the huge documentation work, and the terminologies of the paper beyond an individual’s understanding. The terminology used in immigration document can be difficult to understand, and the immigration laws are usually complex. It’s wise to select a Miami immigration Attorney, so the things get easier to follow.

Of course, online research often helps people follow the procedure, but it doesn’t always give the exact way to follow in one’s context. Yes, the rules and regulation of immigration need to be clear to every individual to understand an individual’s category and check and for this Miami Immigration attorney could be really helpful.

This post mainly talks about the important categories where you must hire an immigration attorney for the pleasant experience. So, let us get started:

Obtaining a Non-immigrant Visa:

Non-immigrant visa permits non-citizens to stay in a country for a specific amount of time and specific purpose. There are many kinds of non-immigrant visas and it is important that one wishing to obtain a non-immigrant visa have a clear understand of which type of visa will work best for their individual context.

Non-immigrant visas allow spouses and dependent children to accompany the visa's primary holder. The correct type of visa needs to be sought when one visas family to accompany them to visiting country.

Family based immigration:

It’s a normal practice in every country, that a person’s family member can opt for the green cards. However, the service isn’t for every member but to the spouse or some limited number of family members.

Some limited number of family visa categories permits an unlimited number of people to obtain visas every year whereas several categories limit the available visas per year.

Here, a Miami Immigration attorney can help you to be specific that you are taking the best route to the fastest approval for your family-based immigration requirements.

Obtaining Citizenship and Naturalization:

When you apply for green card or want to convert your permanent resident status you would need to meet specific eligibilities requirements. There are several benefits to becoming a US citizen, that includes the right to vote, protection from deportation and qualification for jobs requiring U.S. citizenship.

An experienced and qualified Miami immigration attorney will guide you through the naturalization process by helping you with the application process and preparing you for the naturalization examination.

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