Coffey Refrigeration

Commercial Air Conditioning Maintenance in Kennewick is Important for Your Long-Term Success

Business owners are all a little worried right now, from small mom and pop shops to our nation's biggest corporations. The economy is tough. Will it get better or get worse? No one really knows for sure, and this is troublesome to say the least. If you own or manage a business, handling the finances well is the only way you'll get through this and make it to 2021 and beyond. Budgeting is so very important to keeping your company running- or “alive.” Yet, it is not easy! There seems to be so much money going out this year, whether you are bringing much in or not.

Creating and sticking to a budget is a key component in steering your company’s financial future in the right direction. Because a proper budget will have a great impact on your overall operations, it is important to be realistic about your expenses. It doesn’t do you any good to create a super rigid budget you can’t stick to. Let's say you create a budget that would provide you with revenue, but you totally leave out your electric and water bills. Whoops! It is recommended to bring in people who work in parts of the business you may not have first-hand knowledge of so they can tell you what they really need. This keeps you from having any sudden surprises that send your budget off course.

One thing you absolutely must include in your budget is HVAC maintenance. You see, now is the time to hire a professional technician for HVAC preventive maintenance. You may be saying “Wait- what? I should spend money to save money?” Yes! No one wants to spend more on their bills than they need to, especially a business trying to stay under budget. If your electric bill is too high, it is quite possible your HVAC unit is struggling to do its job. This could be because the unit is older, or you have a refrigerant leak, it's old, it's clogged, or many other reasons. Just like your HVAC system at home, your commercial HVAC system needs some occasional TLC. A professional technician you hire for HVAC maintenance will be able to tell you if you need additional work done to lower your electric bills to where they should be, saving you money in the long run. Be sure to add this minor expense to your quarterly or bi-quarterly budget.

Fall is here and winter is on it's way. The revenue coming in and money going out won’t be the same in January as they were in June, so expecting to have the same income during off season could leave you seriously in the red. Look for opportunities to cut costs. However, going without your needed commercial air conditioning maintenance in Kennewick should not be one of them!

Remember, if you put off maintenance, the need doesn't go away. You'll find yourself with a more expensive repair bill down the line. You may even need Kennewick commercial air conditioning installation when your current HVAC unit breaks down for good.

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