Cyberworx Technologies

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly?

On average, we all are spending 5 hours a day on our smartphones. Moreover, it is seen that mobile internet traffic surpasses desktop/ laptop traffic by approximately 3% per year. This constant increase in the usage of mobile devices has increased the demands for mobile-friendly websites from the Website Development Company in Delhi so that the website visitors can access what they want to while on the go.

Ways to make your site mobile-friendly

No matter, whether you are building a new website or redesigning the existing one, here are a few things you can do to make your site easily accessible on mobile devices:

#1 Make your site responsive

Making your website responsive means, it will automatically adapt to the size of the screen being used. While you are choosing a responsive web design for your website, the browser fits the width of your site page to the device your visitor is using.

#2 Avoid Flash

Flash are the main culprits that slow down your website’s loading time and hence are not good for SEO standpoint. Plus, flash are not supported on all mobile devices. So it is better to ask your Website Development Company to avoid using flash on your website.

#3 Make your site’s elements clearly visible

It is important to think about the information from the perspective of your clients and make elements clearly visible so that your users won’t face any difficulty in navigating from one element to another. These elements may be your homepage, menu, services provided or your contact information.

#4 Test both desktop and mobile version of the site

It is advisable to say that whenever, you make any changes to your site, make sure you test both the versions desktop as well as mobile of your website. You should ensure that your site is mobile optimized and users will be able to access all information quickly and easily.

If you have any questions about building a mobile-friendly website, CyberWorx specializes in helping organizations in developing responsive websites. Contact us today!

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