David Swift

5 Signs You Might be Infertile

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive children. With modern life being as strenuous as it is, cases of infertility are on the rise, with couples dejected at being unable to conceive. In India and the rest of the world, there is growing concern. In the local area here, infertility specialists in Gurgaon provide the correct guidance regarding this sensitive subject.

Infertility in women is often caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which prevents them from becoming pregnant. Consult a PCOS specialist in Gurgaon today to get yourself checked out. Gynecologists in Gurgaon of the likes of the renowned Dr. Nupur Gupta are also well versed in high-risk pregnancy specialist in Gurgaon and aid the field of PCOS diagnosis in Gurgaon. Availability in different methods of treatment like the fibroid treatment in Gurgaon helps significantly in reversing infertility.

Some of the early signs of infertility are discussed as follows:

Irregularities and Abnormal Menstrual Cycle: Irregularities in periods and abnormal menstrual flow may be indicative of PCOS which may result in you not being able to conceive when you want. Irregular cycles involve instances of no ovulation at all at certain times which is vital information for those who want a child. If every other cycle is an anovulatory one, hints at serious fertility issues.

Also Read : Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Chronic Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, and Chlamydia, Undiagnosed: Infertility may be caused by the contraction of an STD or a sexually transmitted disease which may have remained undiagnosed. Chronic sensations of itching may hint at yeast and bacterial infections. Too frequent, this may indicate infertility.

Poor Gut Health: Unable to exercise enough muscle control for proper bowel movements may be indicative of possible infertility. Irritable bowels, frequent bloating, gut dysbiosis are bad signs. The health of the estrobolome, a part of the gut, is important for hormonal balance. Disruptions indicate possible infertility.

Early Ageing Signs: Premature signs of ageing like vaginal dryness, saggy skin, brittle nails, and hair loss are symptomatic of hormonal imbalance. In its occurrence there lies the hint that you have endocrinal problems that may prevent you from conceiving when you wish to.

Brown Spotting: If you notice brown spotting before your period starts, it is not a positive sign. This indicates low progesterone levels in the female body that can hinder the process of natural impregnation.

While it is not guaranteed, problems of infertility can be treated successfully. It must be noted however that there is no cause to think that it is the female body that is necessarily responsible for the incapability if conception. Men can be infertile as well. If the cause of infertility remains unexplained and the condition is untreatable, couples can always opt for in vitro fertilization or surrogacy methods. Adopting orphaned children is also encouraged for couples unable to bear children.

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