David Wither

3 Tips For Getting More Content Partners For Your Blog

As a blogger, getting more content partners can be a tough task. In many cases, this is something where you end up on a catch-22: where on end you have to find those that need you, while also being people that bring more value you to blog. And if this is something you’ve been struggling with, then I’ve provided a few helpful tips on how to land more quality partners for the long-term. Check them out below:

Create A Solid Brand

If you’re going to be landing more content partners, then you first need to make yourself someone others want to partner with. While that might sound silly, how your brand comes off to others can mean quite a bit, especially when you’re dealing with media. And if you find yourself struggling with how others look at your brand, it might be time to start reassessing the value of it.

As the core of your identity, branding is one of the most important aspects of not only landing more partners but explaining what your blog stands for. As bloggers, how others perceive you is a huge aspect of whether they’re going to read your work. And while that might sound superficial, branding is a significant part of our first impressions with anything, no matter how big or small. Make no mistake; this is a worthwhile investment across the board because once you have a solid brand, you’re able to utilize it for years to come.

Look at what strengths your blog has, as well as what positions it stands for. Start looking at it from a personality standpoint, including how others would think about it as a person. From your logo design to the typefaces you choose for your posts, make sure every aspect is perfect, as the details of a brand are what separate it from the competition. In fact, as noted by Protocol 80, color increases brand recognition by 80 percent alone. Although this will take a fair amount of self-talk, the overall goal is to find an identity that you feel amazing about, utilizing it for years to come.

Offer Actionable Solutions

Another important aspect of landing more content partners is the type of actionable solutions your site currently offers. These are basically takeaways that either you or your partner provide that make people want to come back again for reference. And although these topics can be hard to come across, they also provide some of the best results. Because as noted by SnapApp, with 57 percent of marketers saying that measuring content effectiveness is their top challenge, this should come as a top priority for you as well.

Start out by looking at the current partners you have, as well as how you can utilize the actionable solutions they might have. For example, if you work with someone who teaches piano, then utilizing different lesson plans woven in with whatever your blog talks about would be advantageous. Not only would your audience have a takeaway beneficial to them, but additionally a reason to share with others. All-in-all, content strategies like this can take quite a bit of legwork to set up, however, serve quite the benefit in the long run for your blog.

Partner With People Who Have An Authority Over You

Finally, perhaps one of the most important aspects of anyone you partner with is how much authority they have on their subject, as well as why that’s beneficial to you. This can be tough to gauge, especially when it comes to those topics that you might not know about, but feel strongly to post. And no matter if it’s someone of out of law school looking to advise on business law or a chef showing a recipe, make these subjects things that you feel confident will help your blog grow.

Start out with subjects that you’re genuinely excited to learn, as well as why. According to Hubspot, 53 percent of marketers say that content creation is a top priority, which is why starting out with your passions will be what drives you. Additionally, make your questions about the things that you specifically will feel like takeaways others can enjoy. The name of the game here is to see what type of service you can provide your customer, giving who you partner with the promotion they value, as well as content that your audience will love. As this is one of the most fun parts of blogging, embrace it as something you look forward to doing, bringing you the most success in the long run.

What are some content partners you’re excited to bring on? Comment with your answers below!

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