
How Do I Recover A Hidden or Deleted Facebook Post?

Facebook is one of the platforms which is used by a billion users all across the world and is used by people to post pictures, stories and, other things and connect to their friends by using Facebook. There are many users who have no idea about how to recover deleted posts on Facebook so for users only we have prepared this blog so that they do not have to face troubles and they could easily get the answer to their questions.

So in this blog, we will be discussing how to find someone's deleted Facebook posts or how to recover the post which we have deleted on our own. You just need to have a look at the quick steps which we will provide you.

Steps to Get back the Deleted Post of Facebook –

1. For the first step you need to open Facebook and also login into your Facebook profile where you can see the undeleted Facebook post.

2. Once you are on the Facebook profile you need to look for more options and then click on them.

3. Now in this step click on the activity log and then followed by this click on manage activity.

4. After clicking on manage activity you have to press the option that reads your posts and then from there you can delete any post which you want by moving into the trash which means all deleted posts on Facebook are in the trash.

5. Now you just need to go to the option saying manage activity trash and then get back the deleted post by clicking on more and then activity log and finally trash and it will solve your question of how to retrieve deleted posts on Facebook so that you can get back the post you have been looking for.

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