
How to Activate Windows 10 With CMD Without Key?

Follow these steps to solve the issue:

1. In order to know how to activate Windows 10 for free, users need to use ‘Command Prompt’ and for that open it by typing “CMD” in the ‘Search box’ of the Windows operating system.

2. After that, quickly click-right on it to ‘Run as Administrator.’

3. For the next step, type a code which is as follows “cscript slmgr.vbs /ipk” and along with that also type the product key but make sure that the product key is according to the Windows operating system edition.

4. Then, after doing so, users will receive a message that says “Successfully installed the product key.”

5. Once received it, type “cscript slmgr.vbs /skms” this and as well as “cscript slmgr.vbs /ato” this to activate the product key.

6. And, that’s it! Users will again receive a message that reads “Product key is successfully activated in Windows 10.”

7. Not only for Windows 10, if anyone wants to know about How to Activate Windows 10 Pro then also users have to follow the same steps with just one change and that is to make sure that the product key is according to your Windows edition.

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