
Tips on Common Hair Problems in Men by Barber Narre Warren

Men are just as conscious about their hairstyle as are women. If you love to style your hair and beard according to current trends then you must also know how to keep hair in good health. Hair problems can arise and such issues can affect your hairstyle as well as your looks. Take a look at common hair problems that beset men so you can take preventive care. Hair problems can be put into two categories. One is about the condition of the hair and its health. The other relates to issues such as baldness and infections. For the former, you can get proper nourishing hair care at Barber Narre Warren whereas for the latter you may need to go in for specialized treatment.

General problems

These are not hair problems as such but could be hindrances when you choose to get your hairstyled a particular way at barber Narre Warren.

• You may have naturally fine and glossy hair that women love so much. This is fine if you to wish to let your hair grow long and sport a man bun or ponytail. However, if you wish to look neat and trim with a pompadour style upswept hairstyle then you are out of luck. Your barber Narre Warren can apply appropriate serums and lotions that will add body and thickness to hair.

• Then there are men with rough and kinky hair that will never stay put. Styling becomes a problem since the hair never behaves. Not to worry! There is a way to manage it with suitable softening conditioners and serums.

More serious hair problems in men

The above seem mild in comparison with other hair related issues:

Dandruff can be a real pain. Ignore this and pretty soon you will notice white powdery scruff on your collars and shoulders not to speak of visible specks in your hair. Your barber Narre Warren should be able to give you a proper shampoo treatment to manage this condition.

Male pattern baldness can be worrisome since you may lose hair at the front and sides and at the back and top. This plays havoc with styling. This may be a genetic condition so there is little that can be done except to eat nutritious foods and get hairstyling done to adapt to patterns of baldness. You could even clean shave your head!

Fungal infections and folliculitis can plague you. Hair follicles become infected with bacteria and become pus-filled bumps that can look quite unseemly especially when you go for the short-cropped hairstyle. It is best to get a dermatologist to treat you. Ignoring it could lead to hair loss.

Head lice may infest your hair leading to hair loss. Take quick action to have lice removed. The eggs can survive even after lice are killed with the help of suitable shampoos or medicines so you have to repeat the treatment at home or at the barbershop at least three times to get rid of lice.

Greying hair is more common these days but it is not something that cannot be taken care of. Simply get your barber Narre Warren to dye hair or take it further with shading and tinting.

For styling and hair related problems you can drop in at Dominics and get relief as well as a good hair cut.

Dominics Hairdressing in Narre Warren excels in styling men’s hair as well as taking care of minor problems.

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