Emily Jones

What is the price Sovaldi cost in India, UK & USA

The company Gilead Sciences manufacturer and developer of the dosage formula Sovaldi was founded in 1987 by Dr. Michael Riordan. Since the beginning of its foundation, the main specialization of the company has been the development of antiviral drugs aimed at combating hepatitis and HIV infection.

The head office of Gilead is in California, today the pharmaceutical company successfully sells more than 14 types of drugs on the market. One of the most successful developments was the drug Sovaldi 400 mg, intended for the treatment of viral hepatitis C in combination with other protease inhibitors, depending on the genotype of the virus.

Description, composition and instructions Sovaldi

Sovaldi is an innovative medicinal formula that has become a salvation for a huge number of people with viral hepatitis C. Sofosbuvir price in India various combinations Sovaldi with one or two active substances of the same antiviral pharmacotherapeutic group of drugs, such as - Ledispavir, Daclatasvir, Velpatasvir, Ribavirin, give almost 100% getting rid of the presence of the virus in the body. The degree of neglect of the disease does not matter. Patients mark the first relief of the condition after three weeks of therapy, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory studies. Full recovery occurs after 12 weeks - this is very fast, compared with interferon (from 6 months to 1 year).

The therapeutic scheme of treatment is selected depending on the identified hepatitis C genotype and associated diseases that increase the load on the body - the presence of a positive HIV status and liver cirrhosis.

The main active ingredient Sovaldi - Sofosbuvir 400 mg.

The mechanism of action of Sovaldi is based on the inhibition of the RNA-dependent polymerase (protein) NS5B. The drug in the form of an analog of uridine triphosphate is inserted into the viral RNA chain that forms and breaks the bonds, and therefore does not allow the virus to reproduce. Thus, the virus dies completely and its damaging effect on hepatocytes stops, with no effect on the metabolic processes of a healthy cell Sofosbuvir has.

In general, if you strictly follow the instructions of Sovaldi and the recommendations of the attending physician, the drug is well tolerated, side effects are observed in rare cases, however, as with any medication.

The drug is taken once a day, at the same time, the food does not affect the absorption. Tablet form can not be divided, chewed, dissolve, you need to drink a glass of clean, non-carbonated water.

It is necessary to consider the following limitations for sofosbuvir therapy:

pregnancy and breastfeeding;

age up to 18 years;

hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, even auxiliary;

transferred liver transplantation;

severe renal failure with CC less than 30 ml / min;

Do not use patients taking drugs such as Rifampicin, Karmazepin, Phenytoin, Amiodarone, St. John's wort.

The following individual body reactions can be observed :

insomnia, as a result of changes in mood, irritability;

headache, impaired attention;

shortness of breath, especially during exercise;

nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain;

dry skin, itching;

fast fatiguability;

pain in the joints.

How much does Sovaldi cost in India, USA & UK

You can buy Sovaldi at a pharmacy, but the price level for the original formula is not available to everyone. So the price of Sovaldi for one package consisting of 28 tablets will vary from 184 to 229 thousand rubles, depending on the pharmacy chosen. Therefore, the company Gilead, under pressure from the public, because of the price, Sovaldi sold licenses for its production to 91 countries. In Russia, Sovaldi is planned to be produced from 2019, but this does not imply that the price of Sovaldi will immediately fall, the drug will also be available to a narrow circle of buyers.

Therefore, it is often recommended to choose a cheaper in Sovaldi Cost, but not inferior in quality and efficiency equivalent. Generics from India have proven themselves well in the market and reviews. Immediately, several large Indian pharmaceutical holdings with corresponding production and scientific-technical capacities produce generics of Sofosbuvir. They have an official license from Gilead Sciences and are subject to ongoing quality control by an American partner.

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