
3 Easy ways to organize your storage with mega bins

Here are 3 easy ways to organize your toy store using a mega bin.

Counter top display. Like the rest of your store, your checkout counter should be a busy but clean and fun place. It’s a great place for mega bins filled with large delicacies that cater to your needs. Chocolate or mint is a good choice; Adults who have never bought a full candy bar often have a small amount of chocolate in their purchase. Nostalgic toys are another great option for placing large plastic containers on your counter top. Do you have a small amount of money? Put them in a plastic fish bowl or plastic can on your counter - because Mom and Dad just write checks!

Impulse buys. These display toys that you want to direct towards children. Large plastic containers for displays should be arranged around the checkout counter so that children have something to ask mom and dad to see and stay in line. Fishermen with hexagonal jars full of balloons or pots, pets of markers, cats and cans full of mini-colour books or special or promotional items will grab children's attention and just add a little to their parents' total bill.

Showing eye level. Large plastic containers such as plastic lids, fish bowls or jars with acrylic cans can be arranged and stacked at children's eye level or arranged side by side. It’s easy to buy display racks that will hold this container for kids to enjoy in the cornucopia of cheap toys displayed below the adult browsing level.

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