
Cannabis In Barcelona

But, if an individual believes that Barcelona's relationship with cannabis originates from day or two ago, they are totally wrong. Here was created in 1888, inside the most legendary monuments in the city: The momument to Christopher Columbus, the scultorix group put in Portal en Paz Square, which column is encircled, on its central part, by marijuana leaves. Because before cannabis stigmatization, hemp will be a generally used product. Sailing, boat's ropes were produced with cannabis, additionally to planks. Seems that Columbus not only discovered America, also, he imported cannabis for the “New World ". Likely to America they needed some hemp, just in situation of need to repair the boat, loaded seeds for consumption, so when there for growth

The present recognition of Barcelona is not just due to its social clubs, the fact rivals to Amsterdam is, partially, due to the Nederlander goverment. Amsterdam, eco-friendly paradise in Europe, pioneer inside the fight for cannabis normalization, todays pushes hard against cannabis production. Over the past couple of years, a continuated conservative goverments invest its efford creating laws and regulations and rules and bills to acquire cafes to seal. Since 2013, many locals are actually designed to close their doorways due to new urban laws and regulations and rules.

However, the best possible volume of cannabis existing in the coffee shop of 500 grams, and a maximum of 5 grams of purchase for the same customer as well as the latests reason for restricting using cafes only to residents, actually inside the south of the united states since 2013.

There is however a lot more. These actions not only affect cafes. Since 2015, legislation known as "grow shop law", punishes any pursuit relationed with professional growth and development of marijuana. This aw, that does not ban grow shops from selling seeds, prohibits these types of shops to promote any gardening tool, whether they are fertilizers, lamps or grow camping camping tents, to the people that may produce a commercial usage of them.

Despite modifications in cannabis normalization, regulation is not adapted with this reality. The introduction of cannabis clubs in Barcelona made the city Council to succeed trying to regulate these spaces. Using this method, last May 2016, a regulative normative for cannabis associaciations was passed. Even though, this regulation, let many clubs to keep open, doe snot go much more beyond handful of urban and architectonic limits, does not solve the alegal problems of individuals clubs, nor brings them legal legal rights nor liabilities yields, worker's legal legal rights or depenalization of comerce participate in condition, so things are still stopped.

Meanwhile, news of association appear and vanish. Just 10 day or two ago we read in news the close from the cannabis associaciation, closed by court ruling, that was billed with engaging more than 100 vacationers every day round the roads. The misconduct of some clubs cuts lower around the affords and fight from CatFAC (Catalan Cannabis Associations Federation).

Websites that present cannabis tours webs that offer online forms to vacationers to inscribe people, before visiting Barcelona clubs that hire youthful visitors to capture clients round the roads associations that enable to get member inside a couple of minutes these will take make money from the problem of associations to produce bussinessm what's really ilegal. Cannabis clubs participate in people, it isn't allowed the acquisition nor the buy, they're not able to possess lucrative purposes, and so are limited to legal residants in Catalonia.

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