Discover article advertising tips that you as an affiliate can use to generate 1.5 million visitors to your website.
You are an affiliate and you are wondering if articles can really get you large amounts of visitors on a daily basis. Well, let me tell you one simple truth. There are people who are using only articles to drive 1.5 million visitors and even more to their websites every month. Here are article advertising tips that you can use to do the same.
Research Keyword Phrases Carefully
Keyword phrases are like online currencies of advertising with articles. It is like you use keyword phrases in your articles to buy traffic from the search engines.
It is important that you research keyword phrases carefully that you want to use for your articles. The more targeted that keyword phrase, the better. The lesser the competition of each phrase, the better.
Do your research before writing a single article. It is better you get things right initially rather than doing the wrong thing and then come back later to do what you should have initially done. Writing articles without doing careful keyword phrase research is like putting the cart before the horse. So ensure that your research is complete before writing articles.
Establish how many web hits you will get from each keyword phrase that you are interested in. The number of web hits that each keyword phrase has will determine the number of readers that your articles will be able to pull in (assuming that you have written quality articles).
Find a free keyword online tool to give you all the information you need to research the best possible keyword phrases for your articles. Example of a keyword online tool that you can use is the Google Keyword Tool.
Interested in reading more article advertising tips that will get you 1.5 million web visitors? click here> > Article Advertising
One of the biggest secrets to succeed with article writing is to write a lot of articles. If you are looking to drive traffic to your website with articles, or you are looking to build 1 way backlinks to increase search engine rankings for your site, then articles can be a free and effective way to do this.
However, in order to see satisfactory results with for article writing efforts, you need to churn out lots and lots of articles and keep doing so on a consistent basis.
If you write articles only occasionally every now and then and are not consistent, then you may not see the results that you desire. Your article marketing might not give you the traffic and back-links that you can really get if you write articles a lot.
Article Marketing important factors
There are many important factors to consider when you are doing article marketing. Things like keyword research, targeting the correct keywords in your article, title of the article, using the author's resource box properly, etc. all are important factors if you want to succeed with article marketing.
However, I think that none is as important as making a habit of writing tons of articles. If you can develop the habit of writing articles daily, then even though your initial articles might have been crap, not properly keyword optimized etc. but you can improve a lot with practice.
The more you write the better you can get not only in your writing skills, but you can also improve in other areas like getting better at keyword research, thinking of better titles for your articles etc.
So remember this - start writing articles from today. Do not worry if your initial articles are rubbish. Keep writing articles in spite of the quality of your articles.
Do not worry if your initial articles do not fetch many visitors to your website. Do not worry if you are unable to find keywords to target.
Eventually you should get better. So start writing articles on a regular basis. Write loads and loads of articles. Submit them to article directories, on your own blog etc. You may start seeing some favorable results soon.
Remember article advertising can be an effective and free method of building back-links and getting free traffic. Infact, it is one of the very few free methods of online traffic generation that works. Other free methods of traffic generation are either fully useless or atleast not so effective.
So start writing articles now. You can read more about various important things for article marketing - like keyword research, which directories to submit the articles, using the resource box effectively etc. Gain knowledge in these areas too for fully utilizing the benefits of article marketing. One such helpful article is :
Successful Article Advertising
In this article you learned the importance of writing lots of articles in order to drive traffic to your website. Article marketing can be a really good strategy for getting targeted traffic to web site.