For The life Of Me

Behind the Curtain of a Catwalk

Living the life as a bridal model does have its perks, I mean wearing stunning wedding gowns all the time is awesome. However, the novelty wears off - after a while it then becomes just an everyday job.

In this blog I will be taking you with my behind the scenes of a model catwalk and showing you just what goes on at work.

1| Arriving at work

This really isn't the glamorous part, having to wake up, not do anything with your hair and absolutely no make up. Now I don't know about you, but in the mornings without makeup I look like Gollum. I keep away from children at all costs in fear of causing nightmares.

2| Hair and makeup

Okay, I'm not going to lie, this bit is pretty fun. Sitting there whilst people play with my hair and attempt to do my make up whilst me and the other models giggle and catch up on the latest events. I must admit they do an amazing job every time considering the challenges they are sometimes presented with.


The dresses are usually hung up in the dressing room waiting to be fitted to each individual model making sure we really do them justice. The first time a dress was chosen for me it was just like what most girls dream of when you find the right dress, it was truly as if the dress chose me. After having that feeling the first time I know that feeling for each time I need to do a dress justice. We have to wear at least 5 dresses per catwalk so you can imagine what the quick changes are like... Chaos !

4| Rehearsal

As a performer, rehearsals are nothing new for me. Getting all the dresses sorted and ready and then getting in our dressing gowns and heels and going out onto the catwalk and working out new routines for the venue. The rehearsal is pretty standard. If we have a heavy dress or a big ball gown we often practice in them to make sure we won't fall flat on our face because believe me, that's happened!

5| Backstage

Backstage of the catwalk isn't as glamorous as what's happening in front of the curtain, there are dresses flying everywhere , tiaras getting stuck in hair, silent screams as skin gets stuck in the zips of dresses and shoe horns being thrown to each other to try and squeeze that last bit of body into the dress. See, the dress may fit before the show but as you heat up bits of you swell and the dress gets a little harder to put on. P.S. my back is full of zip scars. Not cool.


Now, This is the best part of the whole job, walking out on that catwalk wearing all these dresses, feeling like a queen - that's great, but the best part truly is looking at all these newly engaged couples holding hands, picking dresses and planning a life together, that's the magic I live for. Sometimes when the brides come back stage and ask us to wear different dresses so they can see them up close and hearing they have bought them truly does fill you with joy knowing you helped someone find there perfect dress .

Living the bridal life is great, really it is, but it's hard work getting home late and then taking off all the make up and finding all the lost hair grips that have been jammed into my hair. After being stood in heels for most of the day and many quick changes and heavy dresses it is nice to come home to a hot bath and Josh waiting with open arms for a hug and a brush for my hair.

I hope this gives you a little insight into what is actually happening behind the beautiful curtain.

P.S. if you come to an event I'm in, and hear small giggles and screams, it's probably my zip getting caught on my skin.


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