Hannah Baker

Outdoor Gear Suggestions to Do Some Thrilling Outdoor Activities

After a long and stressful week, everyone wants a break. Rightly so, it is good to have a relaxed weekend so that you get back to work with a fresh mind and physique. For getting involved in any outdoor activity, you first need to have the necessary outdoor gear. For example, if you want to play football, you need to have a football, spikes and a net goal because otherwise you can’t play it. Similarly, you need to have bait and a net in order to go fishing. So, the equipment is an essential thing if you are looking to play some thrilling games or get involved in enjoyable activities. I have come up with some outdoor gear suggestions that will let you get engaged in several exciting outdoor activities.

Airsoft Guns

Don’t be afraid to see the word “guns” here. Relax, these are the safest guns you would ever get your hands on. These are replica firearms that appear like the original guns but never fire the real bullets. Rather, they fire plastic made bullets known as BBs. As these are safe, you have the privilege to do several activities with them. The most obvious one is the target practice. Believe me, these guns provide a realistic firing experience, and hence, you will be like enjoying the real shooting. But, target practice would be a fine activity. Build a wooden target and draw some targets. Involve your friends and arrange a competition of hitting the target. The one who has hit the target more often, wins the competition. I hope this will make your weekend memorable.

Another activity that you can do with the airsoft guns is play different airsoft games. This is, in fact, the real purpose of these replica firearms. These games are normally played on a specific field called airsoft field. But, you can make your own field. Any place away from the reach of people is an appropriate field for playing these games. These games involve the use of these guns. You can engage your friends or your colleagues in these games if all of you have these guns. Make two teams with equal number of players. Shoot each other to eliminate. The team with more number of players left in the end would win. You can learn more about the games, such as President, Sniper and Zombie. A win in an airsoft game will make your whole week refreshing.

Tomahawk Axe

Do you enjoy throwing sports? I mean throwing knives or throwing axe? Throwing sports have become quite popular around the world because of the thrill and excitement that they promise. This is another throwing activity which will test your throwing abilities. Get a tomahawk axe, build a target and start throwing the axe on target. This is a specially designed axe that offers accuracy in throwing. Most importantly, it sticks into the target so that you know where did it hit. It is sometimes known as a throwing axe as well. You can involve your friends and start a throwing competition. I assure you will have a hell of a fun!


Crossbow is another outdoor gear used for a magnificent outdoor activity we know as hunting. It is a modernized weapon that has made hunting easier and efficient. You can consider it an advanced version of bow and arrow. However, it is more power than the traditional bow and arrow. Also, it offers more accuracy and range. If you are a fan of small game hunting, this is the gear you need. Head to the nearby forest at the weekend, equipped with a crossbow, and enjoy hunting ducks, quails and rabbits.

Pellet Guns

Pellet guns are often confused with airsoft guns. However, there is a big difference. These guns fire steel BBs rather than plastic BBs. Hence, they are ideal for small game hunting. These guns are a bit dangerous so when you are using them, make sure to stay away from the reach of people for your safety and the safety of you surroundings. Since you are a fan of hunting small game, this is as good a hunting weapon as a crossbow. It can fire at immense speed and take down small game with ease.

Which Activity Have You Planned To Do This Weekend?

I hope I have made some wonderful suggestions. However, the choice is yours. Whichever activity you find interesting, you can play. As per my opinion, every activity is worth a try once you have the required easy to buy airsoft guns to get engaged in it. Anyways, it is crucial to do any of such activities because they help keep you focused on work throughout the week. Also, they build your physical strength as well as mental strength.

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