happy birthday wishes

Birthday Wishes That You Can Wish Anyone

There square measure some cultural details we tend to see granted. If you’ve ever celebrated categorymates’ birthdays in your French class, or seen a French motion-picture show or television program wherever there was a birthday, you would possibly assume you’ve got French happy birthday images traditions down.

Then there might return daily once you’re invited to a French person’s birthday, or perhaps that you’re the one coming up with it. this could be after you understand that there square measure some details concerning celebrating birthdays in France that will surprise you.

Let’s verify the fundamentals and find out the massive variations between French birthday celebrations and birthday celebrations in several different cultures, on the means.


1 a way to would like somebody “Happy Birthday” in French

1.1 Joyeux anniversaire

1.2 Bon anniversaire

2 spoken language “Happy Birthday” in Canadian French

3 different ways that to mention “Happy Birthday” in French

4 a way to would like somebody a cheerful unpunctual birthday in French

5 however do the French celebrate birthdays?

5.1 What you sing at French birthdays

5.2 The cake (le gâteau)

5.3 The presents (les cadeaux)

5.4 Venues, dress code, French birthday cards, and different details

How to would like somebody “Happy Birthday” in French

There square measure 2 main ways that to mention “Happy Birthday” in French:

Joyeux anniversaire

Joyeux anniversaire is that the commonest birthday salutation in French. It may be confusing for U.S. anglophones, of course, as a result of the word anniversaire makes U.S. consider a marriage day of remembrance (and really, an equivalent word is employed for that in French, however with the phrase Diamond State mariage added). once it involves anniversaire as a birthday, merely consider it because the day of remembrance of the day you were born.

Bon anniversaire

Some folks like this less common various. there's no specific reason; Bon anniversaire isn’t a lot of or less formal than Joyeux anniversaire, as an example. i feel it’s simply a private vocabulary selection. That said, if you’re searching for a French greeting card or decorations, you'll got to look a bit tougher to search out this phrase.

Saying “Happy Birthday” in Canadian French

Joyeux anniversaire or bon anniversaire square measure the quality ways that to would like somebody happy birthday in French. however if you’re finding out Canadian French (Quebecois) or simply wish to increase birthday needs to a French-Canadian friend, you'd say Bonne fête– virtually, “Good party/celebration”.

That looks pretty simple, however if you’re additionally communication with French speakers from different places, be careful: Bonne fête incorporates a utterly totally different which means in different components of the francophone world.

If you say “Bonne fête” to a French speaker World Health Organization isn’t from North American nation, they’ll assume you’re touching on their saint’s day. additionally referred to as a “name day” in English, this is often the holiday of the saint whose name they share. as an example, if you've got a fan named Julien, his saint’s day is August a pair of.

As you would possibly imagine, of late aren’t absolute – they are available from a calendar that was devised by the church and has been used for hundreds of years (with a number of new saints superimposed and a lot of trendy names enclosed over time).

Some families, particularly active Catholics, can celebrate someone’s saint's day sort of a mini birthday, with a cake, as an example, though not a giant party or presents. others can merely say Bonne fête! to the person whose saint's day it's. And after all, France isn't any longer pass by the Church, and could be a profane, school of thought society, such a large amount of folks don’t celebrate their saint’s day the least bit.

Still, millions of utterly profane promotional or perhaps official calendars do embrace the saint’s name for every day, and lots of non-religious tv stations and newspapers can mention the name of the day’s saint.

You can click here to visualize a really typical (like, thus typical that I a lot of or less have an equivalent one taped to my icebox here in Paris) mini calendar that has saints’ names aboard utterly non-religious things like faculty vacation periods.

Other ways that to mention “Happy Birthday” in French

birthday celebration

If you would like to tug out all the stops and say over a straightforward phrase, a web search like “façons originales Diamond State dire ‘joyeux anniversaire’” could be a smart plan. millions of sites can offer you some fluent phrases or quotations to use.

Or, if you would like to make your own birthday message, you may begin with Joyeux anniversaire (or whichever variant you prefer) so add one thing you want for the person – as an example: Joyeux anniversaire ! Que du happiness pour cette prochaine année Diamond State compete.” (Nothing however happiness during this next year of your life) or one thing you appreciate concerning them: Joyeux Associate in Nursingniversaire à international organization super copain (Happy birthday to an awing friend).

How to would like somebody a cheerful unpunctual birthday in French

It’s quite pacifying that the French have a number of ways that to mention “Happy unpunctual birthday” – it shows that this type of factor happens in different cultures, too, although it’s not ideal. We’re all human.

The simplest thanks to would like somebody a cheerful unpunctual birthday in French is Joyeux anniversaire, avec international organization peu Diamond State retard (literally, “Happy Birthday, with a touch of lateness”).

You’ll additionally generally hear or browse Bon anniversaire tardif, however this is often not as common and doesn’t appear to own a pleasing ring to that for French-speakers.

How do the French celebrate birthdays?

Now that we’ve learned what to mention for a French person’s birthday, however does one celebrate it? Here square measure some specific details that will create French birthday celebrations totally different from ones in your native culture:

What you sing at French birthdays

A typical French birthday celebration is like most birthday celebrations within the Western world: There’s cake and sometimes presents (especially if the person celebrating their birthday could be a child). The birthday boy or woman blows out candles once the guests sing the French version of Happy Birthday to You (or, in Canada, a really pretty song sung to the tune of the Quebecois anthem, that is joined to during this terribly informative article).

The birthday song in French is that the same tune because the one in English, however with the words in French (bien sûr!): Joyeux anniversaire, joyeux anniversaire, joyeux anniversaire (name), joyeux anniversaire! you'll hear it here.

Interestingly, within the French version of Happy Birthday to You, generally the person’s name isn’t sung. I’m unsure that there’s a selected reason for this; I’ve detected it at family gatherings additionally as larger parties wherever you would possibly assume that perhaps not everybody is aware of the birthday person’s name, thus it doesn’t appear to be tied to it.

There is another version of Happy Birthday to You in French with totally different lyrics, however whereas it’s the foremost common one you’ll realize on YouTube, I’ve in person ne'er detected it sung at any of the numerous French birthday parties I’ve been to over the years.

The cake (le gâteau)

The big distinction that I’ve noticed with French birthday parties, whether or not they’re for youths or adults, is that they have a tendency to be a lot of lowkey than in another countries, much as well as my native country, the US. this is often very true once it involves the cake.

The French don’t use icing or create elaborate birthday cakes. several French take into account icing to be écoeurant (disgusting) and like a subtler style and appearance for his or her birthday pastries. It’s quite common to own a straightforward, home-cured cake with no icing and token (if any) decorations at a party, particularly if it’s for youths. A grown-up’s party would typically feature a freshly baked cake bought from an honest native boulangerie. Often, there'll be a fruit tart instead.

If you wish cake, the nice news is, these choices square measure still delicious – simply totally different than what you would possibly expect if colourful cakes with icing and styles square measure the norm in your culture.

The presents (les cadeaux)

If you’re invited to a French party, you would possibly be inquisitive what quite gift to urge. square measure there ancient French birthday gifts?

If the party is for a child, I typically get to bear with the oldsters to raise what they could wish. Some folks appear a touch embarrassed by this and can solely offer you imprecise answers, however others can a minimum of tell you what the child is curious about. You’re usually not expected to shop for something terribly expensive or elaborate. as an example, at a recent party my son was invited to, we tend to bought the guest of honor, a follower of Star Wars, a lightsaber toy.

For adults, you'll clearly select one thing supported what the person likes, however if you don’t recognize them well, some quite quality food or drink giving (most usually a bottle of wine or a box of high-end chocolates) is often appreciated. If you return from another culture, you may provide them a high quality product from yours, if you're thinking that they’d appreciate that. But wine, chocolates, or flowers square measure glorious go-to’s.

Gift cards don’t appear to be as well-liked in France as they're in another cultures. i feel this is often because of the French finding it rude to speak concerning or refer cash (although cash is that the common, ancient gift at French weddings).

Venues, dress code, French birthday cards, and different details

In France, theme parties or parties hosted at special venues don’t appear very hip. Instead, most of the birthday parties I’ve been to own been command at people’s homes or (for kids’ birthdays) at native parks.

Fancy decorations or and obtaining dressed up additionally aren’t the norm, whether or not for adults or youngsters.

In France, birthday cards tend to be sent by mail from those that aren’t gift at the party, instead of given with gifts.

For adult birthdays, it’s common to toast with champagne, though this undoubtedly depends on the context – a twentysomething celebrating with friends may choose one thing tougher, for example.

Of course, all of this relies on the person, their family/friends, socio-economic class, tastes, and so on. however as a general rule, it’s what you'll expect if you’re invited to a French party.

The essential factor to grasp concerning French birthday celebrations is that they have a tendency to air the straightforward facet

If you’re from a culture wherever that’s not the case, you would possibly worry that this can feel a touch lackluster, particularly if you’re coming up with a celebration for a French dearest. Over time, though, I’ve return to actually appreciate easy French birthdays in their title. There’s a sincerity and a less artificial feel to them.

In a way, birthday parties square measure an instant wherever even the foremost subtle French show a earthy facet. It’s the simplest way to urge back to what a birthday is absolutely about: celebrating someone’s presence within the world.

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