Helene Goldnadel

Developing Good Mental Health in Girls

As parents of young girls, we are in a unique position of influence to help them build the confidence it takes to be the best that they can be. After all, they will not stay in their frilly dresses and dainty hair accessories forever. One day they will be real women in a real world.

Developing self-worth is at the core of developing a girl's mental wellness. Mental health is how people think, feel, and act in order to face life's situations. It may not always be our top priority when raising our daughters, but it is actually very important as statistics show. Studies have found that girls are seven times more likely than boys to be depressed and three times more likely than boys to have negative body image. These problems will inevitably affect their daily lives: school work, relationships, even physical health.

Even though most girls develop into emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy young adults, sometimes extra care is required during the transition from childhood to adolescence. There is no one right way to raise a child, but here are a few suggestions by Helene Goldnadel to help foster your daughter good mental health.

• It all begins with you. How do you cope with challenges in life? Are you setting a good example for her?

• Do your best to provide a safe home and community for her.

• Familiarize yourself with the stages of child development; otherwise, you might expect too much or too little from her. This could either lead to the pressure of meeting unfair expectations, or stifle her growth.

• Keep communication channels open. Encourage her to express her feelings. Let her know that you are there to listen to her and to respect her feelings.

• Encourage your child's talents and accept her limitations. Appreciate what makes her unique.

• Spend time with her. Whether it's as simple as styling her hair with hair clips when she plays dress-up, or reading a story to her before bedtime, it's important to invest time in bonding moments with your child.

• Help her deal with life's ups and downs. But try not to jump in too soon and "rescue" her at the first sign of frustration. Have confidence in her ability to tackle challenges but be there to guide her along the way.

• Keep in mind that discipline is a form of teaching, not physical punishment. Do it constructively, fairly, and consistently. Help her learn from her mistakes. From time to time, it may help if you reward positive behavior with a baby gift.

To find more details, visit here: https://helenegoldnadellessons.wordpress.com/

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