Holly Philips

Top Houston Car Accident Attorney

You have been injured in a car accident and have suffered both physical and emotional damages. Your life has been changed forever. Now you need an experienced Houston car accident lawyer to help you get through this trying time. What are your legal options? What is the statute of limitations on insurance claims in your state? If you need a Houston car accident attorney follow the link.

Common Causes of Car Accidents In Houston, TX. Bodily Injury / Property Damage. Medical Bills.

Bodily Injury/property damage. Many times when a person is involved in a car accident, they leave the scene with small or no injuries. However, the physical trauma to your body can cause you a lifetime of medical bills and pain that you will be responsible for. The minimum that your state law requires is that you have no less than a broken leg and a bruised back. Your Houston car accident lawyer will work diligently to have these medical bills paid for you so that you do not have to go into bankruptcy and suffer long-term psychological effects from your accident.

Monetary Compensation. Most Houston car accident lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis. This means that he or she will receive no fees if you do not recover or win your case. If you win your lawsuit and receive monetary compensation, the fees of your attorney personal injury lawyer will be taken away. This means you will be left with only having to pay your attorney's fees.

In addition to receiving monetary compensation, you may also be able to receive emotional damages. In most states, this type of damage is handled by the insurance company's loss mitigation department. However, in Texas, the victim's family has the right to recover these damages on their own. Other possible awards include punitive damages and rehabilitation services. You should speak with your Houston car accident lawyer about these possible awards to determine which may be best for you. Your lawyer will be able to explain the laws regarding these different types of damages in the state of Texas.

Medical expenses. Car accidents can be deadly because of the injuries that can be incurred as a result of them. If you are unfortunate enough to get injured in a wreck that was your fault, you should not have to bear medical bills that can pile up. A personal injury lawyer will help you receive the treatment you need to recover both physically and emotionally. In some cases, the extent of the injuries can get so bad that you may even need to be hospitalized.

Compensation for your vehicle. The cost of towing, gas, and other transportation costs can add up very quickly. Even if you do not have medical expenses, the cost of fixing your car or truck can be very costly. If you were to file a claim with your insurance company, they would likely deny your claim, citing insufficient evidence or other reasons. If you hire a Houston car accident lawyer, they will be able to help you get the money you need to fix your vehicle and take care of other expenses you may incur.

Injuries and damages. Car accidents are sometimes caused by other drivers, who are either drunk or reckless. Attorneys who have combined experience handling auto accident cases can often reduce the risks that you face. You should also benefit from the advice of lawyers who have combined experience handling cases involving drunk or reckless drivers. These professionals can tell you how to handle the insurance adjuster, the police, and other officers who may come after you for compensation.

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