Impress Blinds

Useful tips to clean the window blinds without much hassle

As we all know very well that it is mandatory to clean the house nicely if you have decorated the house with many things.

Human nature is all about to have the beautiful and attractive items around it. There are different types of things which you can actually use for the attractive decoration of the house. Moreover, most of the items will not only provide the best and unique view of the house but they also protect the house from many other things. You can take the best example of window blinds which is the best items to decorate the windows of the house nicely and they also get protected the house from different things, for instance, it will block the severe heat and sunlight in summers which can disturb the environment of the house. It won’t allow the sunlight to get enter the house. Furthermore, it is also very much important to clean the blinds regularly to maintain its beauty and efficiency for a long-term use. There are different types and prices of window blinds are available in the market. You will also get the cheap blinds for home window use respectively. It is also very much effective for office use as well. The choice will be yours and you have to get selected the window blinds according to your need.

Here we will discuss the best way to clean blinds without spending much money and your installed window blinds will provide you the best working efficiency for a long time.

Essential tools required for the window blinds cleaning process

• Arrange for a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment

Microfiber Cloths

• Arrange for the microfiber duster

• Dish washing liquid

• Warm water is essential for the whole process

1. Completely downward the blinds

Before starting the whole process you need to downward the blinds completely. If you have installed the cheap wooden blinds or vinyl and aluminum blinds, you need to downward the complete blinds for the cleaning process.

2. Dust the window blinds

Before getting started the cleaning process, you need to hold the blind in one hand and wipe the window blind with the help of microfiber cloth. Start from the top of the window blind and working on the way to down of the window blind respectively. Attach the vacuum cleaner quite near to the electricity point and attach the soft brush with the pipe to wipe it on the window blind to suck the dust particles nicely. right time news

3. Repeat the same procedure on the opposite side

When you get completed the procedure on the main side of the window blinds, repeat the same procedure on the opposite side by flipping the side to in front of you. Only use the microfiber cloth and the vacuum on the backside of the blind. Make sure to wipe out with the cloth nicely but with the soft hands. You should have to take much care during the whole process it won’t get damaged by any chance.

4. Use dish washing liquid

This method is especially useful for the vinyl or aluminum window blinds. Arrange for the dish washing liquid and mix the liquid in the warm water respectively. Dish washing liquid is very much effective to remove the stains on the blinds and you should have to use it nicely with the help of microfiber cloth. Dip the cloth in the water and start the cleaning process by holding the blind in your hand. From upward to downward, use the cloth nicely to get remove the stains in a better way. After completing the process on both sides of the window blinds open the blinds and let them dry for a while. After some time you will see the attractive but amazingly cleaned window blind in your home or office.


These tips are much effective and also cost savvy for home use. The best thing in these perfect fit blinds are, they can easily get adjusted anywhere in the house or office. They actually cover the window area and provide the lavish and updated look to the respective area. There are different types, sizes, and material made window blinds are available in the market. You will definitely get the cheap blinds for your personal use. These blinds are really very effective in providing the best look around the house or office respectively. Windows blinds are the perfect choice all around the world. People really prefer to have them in the house for the better view of the house. You can easily adjust them in the house and it will fully protect the windows to generate heating effects in the summertime especially. You can easily open the blinds according to your desire with the help of adjustment stick. Overall, it is the best item for use in the house or office at cheap prices.

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