Darwin Brown

6 Little-Known Grammar Rules for a Flawless Essay!

Although essay writing in itself is a tedious task; but the most crucial part is writing correct grammar. Students who are expert in essay writing, often make minute grammatical mistakes which ruin all their hard work. Some mistakes are being made since long, and we don’t even pay attention to them.

Essay writing is an important academic assignment which every student has to undertake seriously. It not only bags you good grades but is also useful in developing writing skills which will be helpful for you in future. Today we are going to look into some of the unusual grammatical mistakes which you may find in it, but can be avoided if you seek help in online essay writing from any reliable sources.

1. Fewer/Less – Most of the students use them interchangeably. But both of them have their own place where they can be used. We use ‘less’ when we are talking about uncountable or uncountable things. For e.g. I was able to do less work today whereas we use ‘few’ for countable things. For e.g., Only a few biscuits are left in the box.

2. Impactful – We commonly use this word in our essays. But you will be surprised to know that there is no such word as ‘impactful’. You should completely avoid its use. Instead, you can use other words like effective.

3. Which/ That – This is a common mistake which many students do. In fact, people are often confused about where to use ‘which’ and where to use ‘that’. ‘That’ is a restrictive pronoun and must be used for the noun which it is talking about. For e.g. ‘You can try the dress that I brought yesterday.’ Whereas ‘which’ is used to add detail to the sentence. For e.g. ‘You can try the dress that I brought yesterday, which has polka dots on it.’

4. Affect and Effect – These two words are not the same and must be used in the right places. ‘Affect’ is usually used as a verb and is meant to define the impact or root of an impression, i.e. ‘acid’s affects can be brutal.’ On the other hand, ‘effect’ is usually a noun and tells about the result. For e.g. ‘the effect of violence is global’.

5. I/Me – Students are often confused between these pronouns. They struggle to find out where to use the right pronoun. You should use ‘I’ when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. For e.g. ‘Nancy and I went to the garden’. On the other hand, when the pronoun is the object of the sentence, you should use ‘Me’. For e.g. ‘My dad took Nancy and me to the market’. You can check the right use by listening to the sound of your sentence. Just read it aloud, and you will know your mistake.

6. Ize/Ise – This is the most common confusion which every one of us might have faced. You can use both ‘ise’ and ‘ize’ in your essay according to your teachers’ preference. If they use ‘ise’ use it in your writing and if ‘ize’ is common in your academic curriculum, emphasize it in your essays.

Hope these tips are useful for you in making your essay ‘impactful’. Paying attention to these small things can improve your writing and make you more confident in your future assignments and essays.

Summary: Here, you will find a few unusual grammar rules which you often miss, but they make a huge difference in your essay writing. These rules will make your essay more impressive and grammatically stronger.

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