Darwin Brown


Communication is a wide field of academic study which covers a variety of areas. The major aim of writing a communication essay is to communicate your ideas to the reader and make him agree with you. It is effectively conversing and transfer of views and opinions so that the audience can understand it well.

Students are often assigned communication essay writing task. There is no rule of thumb which you have to follow in it; you just have to be expressive and persuasive in your writing. You must clearly mention the importance of communication along with the timing. You can tell the reader how the perfect timing and the right selection of words can make your communication effective.

Let us discuss a few tips that can help you in writing an excellent communication essay. These are as follows –

Pre-Writing Tips

1. Selection of the topic – If you are not provided with a topic by your professor; you have a golden opportunity to select a one which interests you the most. Communication itself is an interesting subject, and you can select a topic on which you can write a convincing essay. Make sure you have some idea about the topic so that you can express your opinions and ideas along with the information.

2. Research – As you are writing an academic paper, so you must conduct thorough research on the selected topic. Look at different sources and collect information which is most relevant to the topic.

3. Make a plan – Organize your thoughts and ideas to create an outline. The outline should indicate the major headings and subheadings. Decide the outline of the introduction, a number of paragraphs and the conclusion.

Composing the essay

1. State the main idea – It’s time to write the introduction of your essay. Although it is the first section of an essay, some students prefer to write it in the end. The reason being, by the end of writing the body section, you get a clear understanding of the topic and argument in question. In the introduction, you have to clearly state the main idea and mention the most important points briefly. Give a startling fact or a statistic which will evoke the reader’s interest.

2. Fill in the details – The essay must have at least three body paragraphs. Here you can specifically discuss your arguments. Give an introductory and a concluding statement to each body paragraph. Make a smooth transition between each paragraph so that the reader feels connected throughout the essay.

3. Write a strong conclusion – You can take this part as an opportunity to persuade the reader about your viewpoint. Summarize your main idea. Make sure that you do not introduce any new idea here. You can ask the reader questions to keep him connected with your idea.


1. Referencing – It is highly essential that you provide proper referencing to each and every quote you have mentioned in your essay. Make a note of reference while writing and insert proper citations at the end.

2. Edit and proofreading – No one is perfect, and you can always make mistakes. Do not forget to review your essay to look for spelling and grammatical mistakes. Also, look for correct sentence structure and whether they make proper sense. Check if you are able to convince the reader with your writing. You can make any changes if required at this point of time.

Summary: This article deals with explaining the idea of writing an excellent communications essay. These tips will help you get good grades in your essay and complete it within the deadline.

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