Alex Smith

What are the POP and SMTP settings for ATT net?


One of the most popular email platforms around the globe. The AT&T email service offers tons of great features and filters that allow the users to have the best of experience.

In today’s blog, we will be looking at the login process of these email platforms.

Steps to complete AT&T mail login

1. Open your web browser and enter this link, to visit the official sign-in page of this email service. 2. From there, click on the “my AT&T” option and then enter your email address and mail password on this page. 3. Once you have entered the login details, click on the sign-in button to access your mail account.

You can use these three simple steps to complete the AT&T login email.

In case you are using this email service in third-party clients like Outlook, given below are the server settings that you can use to set up your email in Outlook.

AT&T POP server settings for login

Incoming mail server: enter Server port: enter 995 in this field Outgoing mail server: type Server port: type 465 in this field and make note of the fact that the port requires authentication.

AT&T SMTP server settings for AT&T email

Server address: Username: enter your webmail address correctly Password: enter your mail password correctly Port number: enter 465 in this field without SSL Authentication: required for this field

You can use these to configure the server settings easily.

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