
6 Proven Strategies To Prevent Phishing

As most of you must be aware, phishing is a cybercrime that involves tricking the users to steal sensitive information, passwords, and other confidential details of individuals or companies.

Though mostly hackers use emails for this kind of attack, there are widespread measures also available like the use of smartphones, social media networks, and others from which they can steal information. But the good thing is that you can actually prevent phishing. Let’s see how!

Detect Suspected Phishing Emails

There are some ways with which you can identify a phishing email attack. Some of these ways are:

1. Attackers may duplicate your company’s image.

2. They may copy your company’s name or the name of the company’s employee.

3. Include websites that are almost similar to your actual business.

4. Sudden losses of an existing account or promotional gifts.

Avoid Sharing Your Personal Information Online

Your bank will not ask passwords or personal details by email. Even if you have any other accounts then still you must not share your personal details over email. Avoid sharing your personal information online.

If you have slightest of doubt then you must call the sender of the email or your bank directly and clarify for the same.

Boost the Security of Your Devices

It is best to use common sense and make a good judgment as this can prevent you from phishing attacks. One such way is keeping your computer as well as other devices protected with a good antivirus system. Using antivirus system protects your devices from such attacks.

Additionally, you must always use the updated version of an operating system as well as web browsers. It is because the updated version is free from past security vulnerabilities and is based to protect users from the latest phishing attacks.

Use Anti-phishing Software

There are numerous reasons for using antivirus software. Most of the antivirus software comes with a special signature that acts as a guard against the technological loopholes and workarounds. Just make sure your software is updated.

Since new scams are coming on a regular basis, an updated software version is the only way to stay away from them. Furthermore, firewall and anti-spyware settings must also be used to prevent phishing attacks. Firewall protection offers prevention against malicious files by blocking these attacks. Such settings can also protect your system from getting damaged.

Verify the Security of a Website

Sometimes, there might be a need when you have to share your personal information online. In this case, make sure that the website is a secured one. While submitting any details, make sure that the website’s URL starts with https and there must also be a closed lock icon close to the address bar.

Check for the website’s security certificate also. If you receive a message confirming that a site contains malicious files then do not open that site. Also, avoid making downloads from suspicious websites or emails. If you are purchasing from a malicious website then your credit card details can be stolen.

Be Alert of Pop-Ups

The pop-up windows are often legitimate aspects of a site. They are the phishing attempts. Most of the browsers allow you to block the pop-ups or you can enable them as per your preference.

If any hacker manages to enter in through the loopholes then even avoid clicking the cancel button. It is because such buttons often result in phishing sites. In this case, click on the small ‘x’ icon appearing on the upper corner of the pop-up window.

Remember, there is no full-proof plan or a way that can provide you complete protection against phishing attacks. However, these ways can prevent phishing to a great extent. So, whether you are an individual or an organization, practice these measures to keep your website protected from phishing scams.

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