
6 Ways How Solar Can Make Your Home More Comfortable

Growing technological advancements in the solar industry are making home and business owners to consider this form of renewable energy. Everyone is happy to reduce their carbon footprint and become more energy efficient. Solar energy helps lower the electricity bill and makes one live in a more environmentally friendly home. Given are 6 ways how solar can make your home more comfortable.

Rooftop solar panels

Solar energy is an effective way to power your home with renewable energy. It requires installing panels on your rooftop. Alternatively, it’s also possible to install the panels on the ground near your home. A solar system consists of panels, a meter, and an inverter. Luckily, the solar system requires minimal maintenance. Additionally, you get an accurate reading on the power generated and what you’re using. With solar energy, you can forget about the monthly electricity bill or use it for backup during a blackout.

Solar water heater

Heating water with an electric or gas heater consumes a lot of energy. Alternatively, solar water heaters are a cost-effective option to generate hot water in your home. This requires a solar thermal collector powered by the rooftop panels. Solar water heating systems include active or passive. You just have to choose one that fits your budget and meets your hot water requirement. Using a solar water heater will significantly lower your electricity bill.

Solar backup system

This is a wonderful idea because a power blackout comes with dire consequences. The blackout might result from system failure, weather storms, or other natural disasters. Therefore, having a solar backup system is very helpful. This requires professional solar installation in Bakersfield to include battery backup systems to keep your home off the grid. The solar panels charge the high capacity batteries and these provide power to keep your home running smoothly.

Solar swimming pool heating

If you have a home swimming pool, solar energy is a great idea to keep it warm. Even though you live in a warm state, it’s a great idea to keep your pool having consistent temperature especially when winter comes. Options such as a solar pool cover or heating system is a cost-effective way to keep your swimming pool water warm all year round.

Solar air conditioning

It’s possible to have solar powered air conditioning to cut electricity bills in your home. This will keep your home cool during hot summer days without spending a lot of money. Luckily, solar air conditioning will keep your home cool and protected against harsh sunrays. Solar AC units come in many options including hybrid options that use electricity from the grid and solar energy. Overall, you’ll save a significant amount of energy and electricity cost.

Solar appliances

Finally, using solar-powered appliances is another idea to lower the electricity bill in your home. Fridges and ovens consume a lot of power from the grid. Therefore, opting for solar powered options will eliminate this cost. Solar powered outdoor lights are a great option to keep the landscape well lit without worrying about electricity costs. This enhances security and aesthetics of your home.

Bottom line

For homeowners looking forward to cutting their electricity bill and lower their carbon footprint, solar energy is the way to go. This requires teaming up with a reputable solar installation company to guide you throughout the process.

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