
A Brief Guide: How To Find Sneakers That Fit?

We all have different foot size and hence everyone wears sneakers that fit them best. When you want to buy sneaker shoe laces or buy sneakers online, you should put more focus on a pair that fits your feet without bringing discomfort. There are some tips and guidelines that will help you choose the right sneakers.

Measure Your Feet

You should visit a sneaker store and have your feet measured. You should not rely on a measurement taken years back to guide you. Tendons and ligaments in your feet relax as you get older, this alters the shape and size of your feet. The width, length, and arches of your feet must be measured.

Here are tips for measuring your feet:

Measure your feet and shop later in the day. Almost everyone develops some swelling in their feet by day’s end. Having to shop for your sneakers later in the day makes you avoid choosing ones that are too tight.

Measure while standing. Consider standing upright when measuring your feet. When upright, your feet spread out to the maximum, hence the measurements taken are accurate.

Measure the length of arches. Arch length is the most important aspect of foot size. This is the bending part of your big toe. A good fitting pair should have similar bending with your arches.

Size matters a lot. Different companies use a variety of metrics and materials for their sneaker products and they have different ways in which they mold their sneakers. So be mindful to get the right fit for your feet and here’s how to do it.

Trying Sneakers for Fit

If you are trying the new sneakers for the first time, there are several guidelines to follow.

Wear standard socks: When trying out for sneakers, it is advisable to wear socks or nylons that you will be using with the sneakers. The thickness of the socks will greatly affect the fit of the pair.

Half an inch allowance at the front: About half an inch should be left between the tip of your longest toe and the end of the sneakers.

An eighth-inch allowance on the back: The back of the sneakers should not be so tight to bring discomfort to your heel. Tight sneakers often cause blisters and irritability of the skin. It is advisable to leave about an eighth of an inch at the back.

Put on both sneakers and walk: Take your time and walk some steps while wearing sneakers. Walk on different surfaces like grass, sand, carpet and many more.

Elastic laced sneakers fit easily: They are easily adjustable by tightening or loosening the laces to fit the foot.

You can buy sneaker shoe laces which are compatible and elastic. Remember, sneakers should be worn with compatible laces so as to ease the fitting on the foot.

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