
How To Make Your Home Pet-Friendlier During A Remodel

Animals are an important part of the family for pet owners. It’s, therefore, a good idea to ensure that your home is pet-friendly. This is possible through a remodel where some areas are made to make the life of your pet better and easier for you to look after them. Wait, this isn’t about building a special room for your dog, cat, or fish. We’re talking about integrating special spaces in your home to make your pet’s life more enjoyable. Below are some ideas on how to make your home pet friendlier during a remodel.

Sleeping space

Did you surrender your favorite couch to your dog or cat? Consider adding inbuilt sleeping space for them during the remodel. This will keep them

off your couch or from underfoot where you might step on them causing grave injuries. Appropriate sleeping space for your pets might include:

- In the bathroom

- Under the stairs

- In the laundry or mud room

- Beneath the cabinets and counters

Inbuilt feeding area

Feeding your cat or dog is a daily task. A good idea is to incorporate an inbuilt feeding area to make feeding your pet easier. You can have a built-in food and water space under the cabinets. Alternatively, a slide out drawer holding water and food bowls is a great idea. You can even have a special water fountain connected to the home water line just for your pet. Additionally, a dedicated cabinet for your pet’s food and grooming items is a great option for a pet-friendly home remodel.

Safe window treatment

Pets enjoy playtime just like your kids. Therefore, you have to mind what they should play with or not. During home remodeling in Phoenix AZ , opt for safe window treatments including cordless blinds and shades. These are good at avoiding pet or kid-related disasters better than drapes. Your pet and kids need a safe place where they can jump, play, and climb. Invest in an elevated window seat for your cat to take a nap. Have the builders add a pet door to allow your cat or dog go out and come back wherever they feel like.

Washing station

Bathing your pets is a routine job although can be a mess sometimes. To avoid dreading this exercise, consider getting a washing station just for your pet. This might be incorporated into the laundry or mudroom. Other options might include a room with easy to clean flooring, a low shower with a handheld showerhead, or a raised pet bathing station with a pet dryer.

Appropriate flooring

Flooring is an essential aspect during a home remodeling project. When you have pets, opt for easy to clean options. Carpets are prone to pet hairs and stains making them harder to clean. Hardwood flooring with a hard coating is less prone to claw scratches. Its tightly sealed seams prevent leakage during pet accidents. Tiles are good at keeping the pet cool during summer while radiant heated floors keep pets warm during winter.

Aging friendly fixtures

Finally, elderly pets need extra assistance just like humans. Consider installing ramps in your pet sleeping area for easy access. Long and low rising stairs are easier to walk up for humans and pets. Additionally, elderly pets can suffer from poor vision and adding good lighting along the stairs is a good idea.

Closing thoughts

When planning a home remodel, it’s important to ensure that everyone in the household will love the results including your pets. The ideas above are good to consider by the remodeling contractor to make your home a better place for your pets.

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