Jeremy Billy

How is a Karambit used?

I have been a Karambit user for more than three years. Not just that I have maintained a good collection of Karambit knives, I use them frequently in ways more than you think. I would not say that I am expert at using Karambit, but I know some basic uses of these knives that make them worthwhile.

I often came across a question from the beginners who ask me “How is a Karambit used? I hope they mean what the fundamental ways are in which these knives are used. If you are seeking the answer for the similar question, I determine some common ways in which a Karambit knife is used. However, before I move onto how this knife is used, I first want you to know how it works.

How a Karambit knife works?

Like a scythe, the karambit knife with curved blade is designed to serve slashing. It’s blade has a hooking motion, just like a sweeping movement used for cutting through the heavy material or dense foliage. It is the hooking motion which enables the blade to slice through everything easily. Its design is perfect for different everyday tasks, specifically chores. Because of its safety features, it is appropriate to be used in all sorts of environment.

The most common ways karambit knife is used

The use of safety ring

The safety ring installed in the karambit knives makes sure that blade does not slip, even when bloody, wet or muddy. It is effective to use even in chaotic instances such as when hanging upside down. It would prevent the blade to slip back to the grip of the user, leading to a damage. Also, it makes it harder to disarm, enhancing the retention of the weapon.

The karambits are excellent for military, police, and security officers to enhance the weapon retention. They can be held safely while carrying a flashlight, gun, or any other tool, without the fear of losing or dropping the blade. The safety ring would also enable surefire deployment without fumbling or losing the blade.

Tactical uses of karambit

A combat knife is primarily a fighting or combat tool. It was designed with an intention to be deployed amid an encounter. The karambits intended for tactical use are generally concealable, small, and cause severe injury even by putting minimum effort. The blade of karambit has a sharp point which can penetrate flesh in an easier manner. The blade also enables surefire access for the arteries and other human body targets that are deeper. The small sized hook close to the handle is capable to apply pressure and lock the arm of your opponent.

Utility use

Karambit knives are extremely useful for different tasks, jobs, and chores, specifically cutting through the tape, wires, rope, bandage, and thick fabrics. They can serve cutting through canvas, nylon strapping, and rip stop. The curved blade of karambit knife parts the materials comfortably without grip shifting or blade slippage. It can be the most useful tool for people like hikers, outdoors-men, medics, ranchers, backpackers, logistics companies and first res-ponders.

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