Jeremy Billy

What are the Popular Games You Can Play with Airsoft Guns?

Airsoft guns are replica guns mainly used as alternatives to real firearms. These are safe to use guns, but they provide a realistic firing experience.

They don’t fire real bullets. Rather, they shoot plastic made bullets known as BBs. The ultimate purpose of these guns is to play airsoft games.

This is what professional airsofters do. If you have airsoft guns, get ready to play a few games. Following are a few games you can play with your guns:


Zombie is a popular airsoft game played with airsoft guns. In this game, there are two teams, one being the humans and the other being the zombie. Both are equally numbered and they shoot each other.

If a zombie kills a human, that human becomes a zombie and hence the number of zombies is increased. If a human is killed, he is out of the game.

The team that is terminated first loses the game. If humans manage to kill all the zombies, they win. At the start, the zombies must be less in numbers to make the game more competitive.


VIP or President is a game in which there are two teams. One team is the team of defenders and the other team is the assailants. There is a special person called VIP or President.

The defenders have to protect him at any cost because if he is killed, they lose the game. There is a safe spot in the game.

The defenders have to take the President to that safe spot without getting him killed. On the other hand, assailants have to kill him to win the game.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a game played with both teams equipped with airsoft guns and equally numbered. Both teams need to capture the flag of the opponent team.

The flags are on the respective forts. They can use their guns to kill the defenders and take the flag. The team which brings the flag of the opponent team to their fort first wins the game.


CQC or close quarter combat is the simplest game and usually ends quickly. The teams fight in close quarters. The teams are equipped with airsoft pistols and shoot each other.

The team which is eliminated first loses the game. This is not about blind firing, you need to take the right strategy to win the game.


Sniper is a game in which there are two teams. One team is the snipers who are less in numbers and are equipped with airsoft sniper rifles.

The other team has airsoft rifles and both need to kill each other to win the game.

Snipers can enter the field first and hide at different places. Other team has to find and kill them to win the game.

Read Also: 5 Unorthodox Self Defense Weapons that are Effective Too

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