João Destiny

REVIEW: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - NETFLIX Original Series

If you like tons of witchcraft, come and get bewitched.

Netflix has just put out their new series, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, inspired by the 90s sitcom (Sabrina: The Teenage Witch) and the same titled comics. The series casts Kiernan Shipka as Sabrina and Ross Lynch as Harvey Kinkle.

The series follows 16 years old Sabrina Spellman, who lives a double life for being half a witch and half a mortal. When she completes 16, she must decide between the mortal world and the magical world. Of course she can't make up her mind and that's when all her problems begin.

Unfortunately, I've never watched the 1996 sitcom, however, I can tell the 2018 Netflix Original Series goes deep into satanism and even brings some real elements of the religion, such and the Baphomet and a cult that kind of reminds me of the LaVey's satanism. For such things, I would not recommend the show for those whose beliefs rejects such things or are extremely sensitives.

This is one of the main critics people on the Internet are making. Many viewers are bothered by the sensitive topics that it brings, with so many disturbing stuff happening in the world right now, those people feel like Netflix should've not gone too far.

However, if you like blood, ocultism, terror and disturbing things, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina may be the right series for you. Trust me! They were not kidding when they said it was chilling. Personally, I don't usually watch horror movies/series for they are not my cup of tea. I really prefer a good old mistery, but I was really pleased by Sabrina.

Another positive point is actually Salem, the cat. I really liked the fact that they preserved his characteristics as an animal. Otherwise, if the producers would have chosen to do like The Teenage Witch, it would've not worked.

But there's a negative: photography. It's just too dark. I kept seeing myself trying to make the screen brighter so I could see a little better. I know it's apart of the theme, but they went too far of this aspect.

On the bright side, once again, that was the only bad thing I've spotted on the production. References were on fleek - and I'm really glad they referenced the original witch on TV, Samantha, from Bewitched, when aunt Hilda mentioned cousin Montgomery, who could be Elizabeth Montgomery, the actress who played Samatha.

Overall, it's a really great series. But I alert you guys once again that it is a lot heavier than the ordinary horror series Netflix has on their catalogue. If you're sensitive, then don't watch it. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina deserves a 4/5 stars.

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