John M. Haynes

5 Dead Car Battery Hacks

Imagine you are planning a trip with your girlfriend for several days. After trying hard, she agreed, and the day has come. You have packed all of your stuff. You have dressed well and well perfumed. You have picked up some snacks and sweats for timely hunger.

Now, your girlfriend is waiting, and she is calling thoroughly. You are getting out of time. The real dilemma starts here; when you come to your car, trying to ignite the engine, and it’s not working. You tried hard, but “All in vain.” The car battery is not working, and maybe it is dead. Oops! What will you do now?

Don’t be disappointed it happens. It is maybe due to cold weather: or you have left your battery switched on and also because your batteries are out-dated. It may also be due to the overuse of batteries. Some hacks help you jump start your dead car battery.

You can apply those or have such gadgets to start your car anywhere. So that: you never miss such trips or other important meetings that require your quick actions.

You need to be prepared in advance rather than calling for help in case of emergency. You must have some of the ultra-portable and best car battery charger to save your day. Beside that, there are more possible ways to jump-start your car’s dead battery. It is safe, easy, and productive.

Following is the list of dead car battery hacks:

Here is the list of some hack that can jump-start your car battery. Follow the list and pickup the way according to your choice that best suits you and can be productive in any emergency.

1. Aspirin:

If you are in some deserted place and there is no one around you and your battery stopped working. You can jump start your car battery by dropping two aspirin tablets into the batteries. The acetylsalicylic acid of aspirin will react with the sulfuric acid of the battery. That will give you some amount of charge that can help in jump start. Then you can drive to any nearby service station.

2. Epsom Salt

Poisons can also give life. If you think that your car battery is weak and can put you in trouble. You can give life to your car’s battery with this poison. Take a spoon or two of Epsom salt. Dissolved a spoon in hot water and add it to the battery. It will give some life to the battery that can take you to your destination.

3. Baking Soda

The car battery also becomes dead when it’s not getting the proper charging. That is due to the corrosion that appears white on the terminals. You can remove the corrosions with the help of baking soda. Take three tablespoons of baking soda and hot water, mix it, and put the solution on the terminals. Clear it with a cloth and dry with another one. When terminals are completely dried, add some petroleum jelly to prevent future corrosion. Such a battery will also last long.

4. Soda

The acidity of soda water helps to remove corrosion. It has carbonic acid, which reacts with corrosions. That removes or dissolves the rust in itself. Put the soda water on the terminals. Later on, clear the terminals with a cloth or sponge. The terminals will be clear of corrosion, and the battery will charge better.

5. Petroleum Jelly

In winter, corrosion usually appears on the battery terminals. It is because of the decrease in temperature, which results in increased electrical resistance. Corrosion on the battery increases the chances of low charging and results in worn out. It could be prevented by removing the terminals and clear them with a brush. After that, add petroleum jelly to the terminals to prevent corrosion in the future and over-winter.

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Final Thoughts

To conclude, I will say that it is better to prepare in advance and have solutions and tools for upcoming known problems. Above are some hacks that can prevent you from big troubles. They can give life to dead car batteries. You can have them in your car to use them in time, rather than calling for help.

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