Japanese Food- Hawaii

How To Make Sushi: A Mat-less and Sweat-less Process On The Go.

Once you’ve savored everything on your plate and are left with the rich aftertaste of sushi, all you can wonder about is how to make sushi either at home or otherwise. Sushi is more than a delectable dish. It is an eating culture of its own. Once you become familiarized and accustomed to different types of sushi and know exactly what to order in a menu this is where the fun begins.

So today we are going to give you a step by step guide on how to make sushi 101:

1. You might or might not need a bamboo mat. You can work well with a towel too. Yes, you read it right.

2. Ingredients: By now you must have your favorite sushi recipes by heart, wouldn’t you? On a side note try not to go for too many stuffing in one go on your first time. Can be quite disheartening.

3. You can start with making the sticky rice of your choice, chop the veggies and get the ammo ready for slicing up your seafood additions.

4. Now for the rice. Try to get traditional sushi rice if possible otherwise; your local variant works well too. Rinse the rice in cold water till all you get is clear water. Then let your rice soak in water in a pan at a rough proportion of 2:3. After it is well soaked for 30 minutes, bring the rice to boil for another ten minutes. The aim is to get the rice absorbed in water as much as it can.

5. Stir through this rice some vinegar and sugar as per taste. The next step is to get this rice cooled off and settling on a smooth surface with a tea towel on top to retain moisture and yet letting the rice steam off some more.

6. A nori sheet on the top of your rolling mat, here you can go for a thick towel too. With dampened hands to avoid the stickiness, scoop up some rice on the nori sheet. Fill in your preferred toppings in the middle area of the spread.

7. Now roll. Roll it away from you and make sure that the roll remains circular and doesn’t break. Filling the ingredients right in the middle helps to ensure that nothing falls off.

Read More: 5 Things You Need To Know About The Best Sushi In Honolulu

8. Seal the top with the help of little water. Wrapping it tightly in a cling film let it chill until it is firm.

9. While slicing your sushi, brush your knife with rice vinegar mixture so that it doesn’t stick to the sushi and gives you neat circles.

10. Serve on the go with wasabi, pickled ginger, and soy sauce.

Looks like our ten commandments of making sushi Hawaii end with a nice roll, doesn’t it?

How to make sushi is as easy as making yourself some veggie wrap, all you need to focus on is getting the rolls right and filling in your favorites which are cut out proportionately.

At the end, it is all but a matter of practice, patience, and appetite appeal.

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