
How to Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be a pain and can be very damaging. This is true not only with appearances but at the same time human mobility as well. This is common among women and people who are engaged in a rather heavy lifting job. But just like any other health conditions, the appearance of varicose vein have a solution. These procedures had been carefully studies by medical professionals and they absolutely made sure that people would greatly benefit from it. And the good news is that, as the age advances towards a more modern era, more and more sophisticated solutions are being uncovered. And this opens up far more options to people on how to treat with their vein problems.

Below are just some of the many ways on how to treat varicose veins:


Surgery is the most common recommendation of medical experts to people with varicose veins. This procedure entails the removal of the defected veins from the leg. This may sound quite painful but just like any other surgery, the patient will be under general anesthesia.

Striping and Ligation

There are two incisions to be made in this procedure. The first one is done in the person’s groin and the other is in the further down part of the leg. The first one will be tied and then sealed. A wire will be injected into the vein and then it will be pulled out with the damaged vein in it. Unlike the surgery wherein the patient needs hospital rest after the surgery, stripping and ligation can be done within hours and the patients can go home afterwards.

Sclero Therapy

This procedure may scar the patient but then such scar is way far better having those varicose veins. In this procedure, a chemical is injected to varicose veins and eventually in a certain amount of time, the varicose veins will disappear. This procedure can be done several times and will depend on the severity of the condition.

Trans illumination

This procedure is done by removing the damaged vein with the help of a suction device. This procedure also makes use of anesthesia.

These are just some of the many ways to eliminate varicose vein problems. All you need to do is see a doctor and have your problem examined first. Their examination will lead them to make the right recommendation for your varicose vein problem.

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