Katrina Fryer

5 rules to seduce a girl

It’s not by accident the word ‘seduction’ is often followed by ‘game’ as this is a pretty much competitive act for the same prize - pleasure, affirmation, a boost of self-esteem. The problem with this is that oftentimes it’s viewed one-sided without considering the ‘opponent’ - a strategy that is doomed to fail from the very beginning. In this article, let’s focus on 5 surefire ways to seduce a girl and become winners.

Rule #1: Don’t Cliché

Whether you try to seduce a girl online or offline, be as original as you can regarding a particular person. Meaning: some tricks might have worked well with, let’s say, Annie, but with Mary (with whom you have a history on Snap Sext or elsewhere) they are simply not effective, to say the least. The bottom line: every individual requires an individual approach, and here your seduction game should start with figuring this out.

Rule #2: Practice Online to Win Offline

It might seem like a contradiction to the Rule #1 but hear us out. Girls love with their ears, and they DO pay attention to what you say and how you say it. Even though the dating apps are about texting each other, it has a chance to free you from insecurities - through success or failure. Never got on any dating site? Well, explore this Snap Sext review as the best option to start practicing being your most interesting, seductive self. One warning, though: don’t get stuck online with it. They say that the hunter gets captured by the game, but know the time when you bring that game to the real people in a real setting.

Rule #3: Put Your Masculinity Forward

No, not that thing you’ve just thought about - we mean the voice, the gestures, the manners. Even though the gentlemen’s behavior seems like the wrong word these days, we suggest you do those little things that will make your lady comfortable when being with you. It doesn’t mean you should rush to open the doors and say “Ladies first”, but you should pay attention to how she behaves and what she values. And believe, that is very obviously articulated, especially if she finds you attractive.

Rule #4: Learn About Female Sexuality

If you still think the sex physicality is the same or women and men, you better drop that idea right now. You may (finally!) discover what the clitoris is and its role for women’s orgasm, but that’s not the end of it, and to say the truth - merely a start. There are plenty of advisors and tricks of how to arouse a girl and have great sex, but if you don’t want another one night stand and prefer a passionate dating, you have to know what pleases her without touching. She might be crazy about your voice, or the conversations, whether Snap Sext scam or real, and why people prefer texting for days over meeting once or your ability to entertain and make her laugh - all those small things matter before the bed. And if she doesn’t find them attractive - well, we have bad news for you.

Rule #5: Don’t Fear (Or Don’t Show It)

A confident man is somebody every woman dreams about, and this is incredibly tempting. You should build your confidence in any way that is working for you and then radiate it around your chosen one(s). If you are extremely shy around her - she’ll notice it. If you aren’t confident in what you do - she’ll notice it. If you fear to be around her in the presence of men you think she might prefer over you - she’ll notice it. Focus on her rather than on self and behave like there are only two of you wherever you are.

Hope you’re not too disappointed we didn’t focus entirely on the physical side of the relationship. That’s because the seduction happens in the mind first, and only then it hits the body. That was the most important message we’d like you to take away. Build your strategy on that, and you’ll notice the quality (and quantity) change of your seduction game.

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